Number of empty homes in Teignbridge continues to fall

News Desk
Authored by News Desk
Posted Friday, November 3, 2017 - 3:09pm

The amount of homes lying empty in Teignbridge is at an all-time low – and efforts remain underway to bring more back into use.

Teignbridge District Council has once again cut the number of vacant properties. Figures reveal numbers have dropped by over 50% from 735 empty homes in 2008 to 361 in 2017 so far.

Teignbridge is the only Devon authority to have reduced the amount left unoccupied every year since 2008.

Long term empty homes represent a wasted resource especially when housing is at a premium, and can cause a number of problems. They can attract crime and anti-social behaviour, reduce the value of surrounding properties and can be an eyesore in their communities.

One of the common challenges owners face in bringing properties back into use is the lack of funding to carry out refurbishment works. Teignbridge have funds to assist and may be able to offer owners a loan, grant, or repair and lease option. If you have an empty property, empty space above a commercial premises or are carrying out a conversion to create further residential units, Teignbridge officers are available to discuss assistance available.

By achieving a year on year reduction in the number of empty properties, Teignbridge has been able to maximise the income it gets through the New Homes Bonus scheme paid by central government. New Homes Bonus is based on the amount of extra council tax revenue raised for new build homes, conversions and long-term empty homes brought back into use.

Cllr Humphrey Clemens, Teignbridge District Council’s executive for planning and housing said: “This is real success story. Bringing empty homes back into use can provide homes for people who need them as well as contributing to the housing supply. It’s a really important aspect of the work we do and it’s something our residents tell us concerns them too. The great work done by officers is reflected in the sustained reduction in the number that lie empty across the district.”

Do you know of a home that’s been empty for over six months or is becoming a problem? Let us know at

Further information about empty homes can be found at

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