How does 3D printing help you save cost?

Sam Richards
Authored by Sam Richards
Posted Monday, April 29, 2019 - 8:36am

With the fast and continuous changes in technology comes new ways of doing things. Businesses are now incorporating new modes of doing things; all from marketing and now even manufacturing has taken another turn. 3D printing has come in as a time and money savior in the manufacturing area which could ultimately help you improve the quality of your products and operations 

If you are yet to integrate this technology, this article aims at explaining the money-saving aspect associated with 3D printers. 3D printers are an excellent way of reducing the cost of production and the manufacturing process. Let’s see how.

It minimizes tooling investment

Manufacturing involves a lot of processes all from the actual manufacturing to assembling the tools. Other than the cost of the individual parts, the 3D printer allows you to minimize the cost of the whole manufacturing procedure. It also helps you to change the entire supply chain. For example, tool manufacturing can be improved all thanks to additive manufacturing. You can manufacture tools directly without going through the assembly process. Tooling cost can be cut by up to 30% depending on the type of business your business.

It speeds up the product development procedure

Additive manufacturing technology is an excellent prototyping procedure which allows you to create a variety of iterations within the shortest time and for the minimum price. Unlike the traditional manufacturing such as injection where you have to go through molding before printing, with 3d printing, you only need to prepare a file which you can modify if you wish. The traditional manufacturing can be time consuming and costs you a lot. The costs can be eliminated by incorporating the addictive technology.

What's more? 3D printing makes it easy to produce products that would have been hard to manufacture through traditional methods such as complex designs. By saving time, you will obviously be saving money.

Quality designs

When working with a 3D printer, you have to enhance the 3D model. Designing the product allows you to optimize the 3D printed areas thus reducing its cost. Coming up with an efficient design will enable you to save money. You can effectively integrate a design that you can easily optimize with minimum material and time needed, and the overall results will be a reduced cost of manufacturing.

It minimizes the cost of materials

Using a 3D printer gives you a chance to choose between varieties of printing materials. This way, you can select the ones that perfectly suit your budget thus reducing the costs of the materials.

These are some of the top ways in which you can save cost by incorporating 3D printing rather than the traditional manufacturing method. Do not be left behind. Buy a 3D printer in the UK and see how much it can change your business for the better. All the best! 

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