How a young professional can advance their career with these tactics

Sam Richards
Authored by Sam Richards
Posted Monday, September 30, 2019 - 2:45pm

Young professionals often times wonder how they could advance their career quickly through a combination of hard work, leveraging relationships, and correct career moves. Being willing to do whatever it takes to get a promotion or a pay bump is the mindset that a person needs to have. With this being said people that constantly undermine others to look better might get a promotion or two but these types of games always are brought to light in the end. Taking a proactive approach to advance a career needs to be done as great jobs simply do not fall in the laps of individuals. The following are tactics that can help a young professional advance their career in a quick and healthy manner. 

Learning A Valuable Language in Their Industry

Learning a new language is always a great way to advance your career as you can work in a variety of countries. Learning an important language like that of Chinese in the UK could not be more important. Finance is huge in London with many Chinese investors involved so the internet search Chinese classes London could be a search that changes your life. A professional working in finance learning Chinese allows that person to work in China and to negotiate directly instead of through a translator. This makes for a much better personal rapport as well as nothing will be lost in translation. Take the time daily to utilize some kind of learning program as there are multitudes that can help you start learning a language today!

Be Willing to Move for A New Role

A young professional that is willing to move to a new city for a role can allow them to climb the corporate ladder with increased speed. At certain locations, there could be years between promotions but across the company, there could be far more. An individual putting their name in for every promotion that comes up regardless of location will let upper management know they want a specific role. Keeping production numbers as high as possible during this process needs to be done as an employee that has had their production numbers dangerously low is not going to get a promotion no matter how many times, they put their name in. 

Always Be Looking for Great Opportunities

The ugly truth is that a dream role is not going to wait for the perfect candidate. The job is going to pick the best candidate available at the time so keeping an eye out for great job openings is imperative. LinkedIn is a great platform to look for jobs as a person can see which connections have left a job recently. What can be even better is the job seeker can ask for a reference if the connection has any professional or personal rapport built with the person. Often times people announce they will accept a job a few weeks before they depart their current company as many have loose ends to tie up. 

Educate, Improve, And Get Certified

Professionals that constantly evolve by receiving new degrees or certifications are viewed as valuable. A company looks at a new hire as an investment and an investment that keeps improving is worth far more than a hire that stops learning as they have a steady job. There are roles that require more than an undergraduate degree and this can prevent a young professional from getting a job as it is a core requirement. Those that are lucky enough to have their company pay for their education should definitely take advantage. This is an investment in the employee which means the company has long term plans for that person. 

Take the tactics above and utilize them in order to help advance a career as fast as possible. Being happy at work is something that is more than possible if enough hard work is done!

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