Local print firm offers free flyers to local retailers to help support the local economy
Exeter based print firm Stormpress are offering free support to local shops, hospitality and leisure businesses struggling during the Coronavirus outbreak. The print company have offered to print up to 1000 free A5 flyers for up to 50 local businesses to help them get the message out to customers during this difficult time.
Henry Luce, Managing Director of Stormpress, Henry Luce said: “We were receiving emails from local businesses who had decided to move online or start home deliveries and they were clearly struggling to get that message out there. We felt we were in a unique position to do something to help actively help businesses to promote their services around us in Exeter and keep the local economy going if we could. We are more than happy to print up to 1000 free A5 flyers for up to 50 local business who might need our support in reaching potential customers.
“So far twelve firms have taken us up on the offer but we are keen to help others. Please do get in touch with us if you think this offer would help you. This is a difficult time for businesses large and small and it is up to all of us to help and support others to keep going until this is all over.”
Those businesses interested in this offer, should contact Stormpress direct. Details can be found at www.Stormpress.co.uk