Signs that you can’t remain in the same office anymore

David Banks
Authored by David Banks
Posted Monday, July 1, 2019 - 9:06am

In as much as you might not want to move to another office because you know it’s going to be a difficult task; you have no choice under certain circumstances. As your contract expires, you need to decide if it’s in the best interest of your company to leave. These are the signs telling you that you need to consider moving now and not renew your current contract with the landlord.

Your employees are increasing in number

Before, you only had a few employees because you didn't need a lot of them to run the company. Now, the number has increased because of your customers and the overall size of the business. You can't let them work in the same place since it's not a comfortable environment for them. Find a more spacious office where everyone can work freely.

Your business doesn’t seem to move forward

You don't want to be superstitious, but it looks like your business isn’t going anywhere as long as you stay in the same place. As such, you need to consider moving to a different place where you think you will start fresh and have a chance to grow. Perhaps, being stuck in the same place does not motivate anyone in your team. A new environment could change the whole thing. 

The location is terrible

When you started your business, the location wasn't a big deal. You were okay with any area as long as you could have an office and keep the company rolling. Now, you have several employees to consider. Your clients are also coming over to meet with you. It's crucial that the place is easy to access. Being at the heart of the city's business district is also a sign that you made it as a company. Therefore, it’s time to move to a place that you think will improve your image and also make it easy for everyone to come. 

The rent has increased drastically

As your contract expires, you need to talk to your landlord to discuss the details of your lease. You can renew it provided that you will pay the same amount or slightly lower than what you previously paid. If the landlord says the rate will increase by up to 20%, you need to leave. With that amount, you can find a better place elsewhere. If you can’t negotiate the contract to make it more favourable to you, it’s time to move on. 

Once you decided that you need different office space, you can talk to your landlord and say that you don't intend to renew the lease. You need to contact experts in end of tenancy cleaning London offers as soon as you finish packing all your stuff. Make sure the place looks new and as if you were never there. 

You can start a new beginning in a different place, and your employees will also feel inspired to start over again.

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