Love&Sex aka Per-Mission - Northcott Theatre
A hard-hitting new dance theatre show from State of Emergency will be appearing at Exeter Northcott Theatre on 19 February.
Boldly exploring themes of love, sex and consent, Love&Sex examines the emotions, pressures and comedy of sexual relationships through dance and music.
Exposing myths and challenging preconceptions, Love&Sex has been created to entertain and inform without judgement. Sexuality, peer pressure, emotions and the influences of social media are all in the mix and the show has been developed in partnership with Brook (The UK’s leading provider of sexual health services and advice for young people under 25), Z Arts, Manchester, The Station, Bristol and the University of Durham.
Love&Sex is a collaboration between State of Emergency choreographers Colin Poole and Alesandra Seutin, and Grammy-nominated composer Steve Marshall.
Tickets: £13.50, £2 discount for concessions, £8.50 for groups of 10 or more, £8 student standby.
Suitable for over 13s.
There will be a post show talk.