Fire Service opens its doors for Family Open Day

Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service will be opening its doors to the public later this month for a free Family Open Day.

The event at Service Headquarters, Clyst St George, Exeter, on Saturday 17 August, 10am – 4pm, will raise money for the Fire Fighters Charity and Hope for Children.

Phil Martin, Area Manager for Community Safety, said: “This is a great opportunity to provide a day’s entertainment and insight into the work of fire and rescue services as well as providing an opportunity to make people safe.

“The Service’s Community Safety Support Department and Specialist Rescue Station have volunteered their time to ensure residents of Devon and Somerset have a safe and fun summer.”

As well as the opportunity to learn about the work of the fire service the event will provide an opportunity for residents to receive advice and support on a range of issues with a special emphasis on community safety.  There will be a summer safety stand where people can find out how to keep safe when enjoying the summer holidays and safety activities for children who will be able to sit in an education fire appliance and learn about fire safety in the home.

There will also be a display of road traffic collision reduction vehicles where residents of Devon and Somerset will be able to engage with road safety specialists and learn key road safety tips to help keep their friends and family safe when travelling on the roads in Devon and Somerset.

Attractions will include:

  • Specialist rescue demonstration
  • Summer and home safety advice
  • RTC reduction vehicles
  • Children’s safety activities
  • Vintage fire engines
  • Devon and Cornwall Police
  • BBQ
  • Fireman Sam

Service Headquarters can be found at The Knowle, Clyst St George, Exeter, EX3 0NW. All are welcome.

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