Expert advice on Laser Tattoo Removal

We think that clients should think hard before committing to having a tattoo, because it is for life and just like fashion it will go out of date and what then?

We find the three main reasons why clients come to the Remedies Laser and Skin Care Clinic near Exeter for tattoo removal are:

1. It was an impulse and shouldn’t have done it in the first place.

2. They have got tired of it and in some cases the name of their loved one has changed !!!

3. They want it amended or lightened so that an area needed to be deleted or lightened to enable a fresh tattoo put over it.

We were surprised last week with another reason for getting a job. A young lady came to us needing to lose a tattoo on her lower arm in order to improve her chances of getting a job in retail where she needed to wear a uniform with short sleeves. In fact, this was also important to the local employment agency, which was concerned enough that they subsidized the cost of the treatment. If you're in a similar situation, looking to enhance your employment prospects by removing a visible tattoo, consider the professional services at S Aesthetics Clinic ( Visit:, where expert care is provided.

So, with the explosion in tattoos in recent years due to celebrities such as David Beckham having them, there will no doubt be more people wanting to lose them.

Click here for more information on this and other laser treatments, or if you want to have a Free Tattoo Removal Consultation you can now book it online here or just call our reception 01392 877221.

Alan Wills, Co-Owner Remedies Ltd

How to lose that Tattoo with Laser Tattoo Removal

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