Drop-in session planned for Tiverton junction scheme

News Desk
Authored by News Desk
Posted Tuesday, August 29, 2017 - 11:41pm

Residents in Tiverton can find out more about the work which is due to start on the new Eastern Urban Extension junction at a special drop-in session next month.

Construction drawings and traffic management plans will be on display at the event at the Tiverton Hotel on Tuesday 5 September from 3pm to 7pm.  There will also be the opportunity to meet some of the construction team and County Council officers to ask them about the works around the junction.

Construction is scheduled to start on Monday 4 September.  Initially, a lane closure will be needed on the westbound carriageway, on the approach to the new junction, until Christmas.

The new £5.7 million junction off the A361 will unlock the first phase of development earmarked for Mid Devon’s Local Plan for homes, a primary school and employment land to the east of Tiverton. Roads Minister Jesse Norman carried out a ceremonial turf cutting at the site earlier this month.

Cllr Andrea DavisCouncillor Andrea Davis, Devon County Council Cabinet Member for Infrastructure, Development and Waste, said:

“This drop-in session is a good opportunity for local residents to find out more about the schedule of work over the coming months. It’s an important development to support future growth, and residents will be able to speak directly to the project team to find out what is involved.”

A spokesman for Griffiths, said: “Griffiths is delighted to be working with Devon County Council to deliver the Tiverton EUE Junction. We appreciate that there will be questions and concerns regards the construction phase and welcome the opportunity to meet with local residents and businesses to discuss and reassure them that we will do all we can to minimise the impact during construction. My team and I look forward to meeting our new neighbours and developing a positive and open relationship.”

Steve Hindley CBE DL, Chair of the Heart of the South West LEP said: “The Tiverton East Urban Extension is an important road scheme that forms part of the LEP’s Growth Deal package of projects that will enable growth across Devon, Plymouth, Somerset and Torbay.

“Unlocking growth is a key priority for the LEP, and the new junction allows the development of a further 700 new homes, and 30,000sqm of employment space which will support up to 650 new jobs. The new junction will ensure that Tiverton has excellent connections with the M5 and the rest of the country, making it an attractive location to live or to locate a business.”

Councillor Colin Slade, County Councillor for Tiverton East and Mid Devon District Councillor for the Lowman ward, said: “I am delighted that the work to create the new junction on the A361 is getting underway. It is great step forward in unlocking the access for the commencement of work on the Tiverton Eastern Urban Extension. I am confident that the contractors will carry out the work with due regard to local residents who will be kept informed. Inevitably there will be some disruption for road users , but hopefully this will be kept to a minimum.”

The scheme is being funded by NPIF (National Productivity Infrastructure Fund), Devon County Council, Mid Devon District Council and developer contributions, and is part of the package of proposals for Heart of the South West LEP Growth Deal funding.

Contractor Alun Griffiths Contracting Ltd will carry out the work on the scheme which is expected to be completed next Summer.

Details of traffic management plans are available online. This will be updated as the project progresses.

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