How to stay on top of your workload as a freelancer

David Banks
Authored by David Banks
Posted Wednesday, May 8, 2019 - 12:51pm

Being a freelancer is not as easy as many people believe it to be. In order to earn a good and regular wage from this type of working, you can’t just sit around in your pyjamas all day or perform your work from the confines of your duvet. Just as you would in a traditional office environment, you have to keep yourself motivated, you have to remain focused, and, most importantly of all, you have to stop on top of your workload.

If you’re a current freelance worker or if you’re considering embarking on this kind of path in your career, it’s imperative that you learn how to keep on top of your work and your deadlines. To see how that can be achieved, be sure to read on.

Keep your equipment in top condition

Equipment that isn’t in top condition has the potential to derail even the most focused of freelance working schedules. Without having a number of others pieces of equipment to fall back on should the one they are using malfunction, as is the case in collaborative workspaces, freelancers can easily find themselves missing their deadlines if their laptop won’t turn on or if their desktop computer freezes.

Quite simply, those that commission you work won’t be bothered about why you missed your deadline, they’ll just care about the fact that you actually missed it. As a freelancer, then, it’s down to you and you alone to ensure that you do not suffer from this plight by keeping your equipment in top condition at all costs. 

To do this, first and foremost, you must have your tools checked over regularly by a professional — no matter what equipment you use, in this day and age, you can be sure they’ll be someone or something out there that can fix or maintain it for you. If it’s a laptop or desktop that you use, for instance, you can turn to At their workshop, the Smart Computers repair service will be able to repair, build, upgrade, or clean your I.T. tech. As a result, you’d never again have to worry about your equipment malfunctioning on you and, subsequently, leaving you incapable of meeting your all-important deadlines.

Learn how to ask for more time

Life does get in the way from time to time, and, as they are humans, the people that you work for will understand this. There is, then, no need for you to come up with every excuse under the sun when you cannot meet a deadline; if you are in desperate need of more time to complete a piece of work, just go ahead and ask for it. Doing so will help you to stay on top of your workload as it will provide you with the time you need to sort your schedule out. More importantly, it will help you to produce better work, as you will not have the pressure of that looming deadline hurrying you along.

Success in the world of freelancing doesn’t just rely on industry knowledge and talent — it also hinges on hard work, precise focus, and the ability to stay on top of your workload. Take the above advice, then, and go and meet those deadlines!

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