Nexus Open Systems to share expert cyber security tips with Cyber Security Associates at upcoming event

News Desk
Authored by News Desk
Posted Sunday, October 27, 2019 - 9:16pm

The scale and sophistication of enterprise cyber threats has grown considerably in recent years, with cyber breaches costing the average small business around £25,000 in direct costs.

However, this does not mean businesses should resign themselves to becoming another cyber-attack statistic.

Exeter-based IT provider, Nexus Open Systems, and ex-military industry experts, Cyber Security Associates (CSA), will be sharing their expert advice and best practices on how businesses can protect themselves from cyber threats at an upcoming event.

The timely discussion will take place on Thursday 7th November, 14.00-17.00pm at Exeter’s Kaleider Studios.

Both firms are well-versed in enterprise digital security solutions. Nexus was recently awarded the UK Managed Services & Hosting (MSH) awards for its Cloud Connect backup solution, which provides comprehensive protection, continuity and disaster recovery for businesses.

CSA, as a leading cyber and information security provider to the UK FTSE 100 companies and SMEs globally, brings extensive knowledge of the common cyber risks facing organisations.

Attendees will hear from the Nexus and CSA experts about the key prevention methods, strategies and solutions to help detect and combat against popular threats, such as ransomware and phishing scams.

The event will also highlight why intelligent Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) is vital for businesses to safeguard against data loss, and protect their reputation, in the event of a cyber incident. 

Cyber security is sometimes disregarded as a problem for the IT department, despite the serious impact of an attack or breach for the whole business. It can also be overwhelming for companies who might lack the relevant cyber security skills in-house.  

This event is a great opportunity for anyone looking to demystify cyber security and learn about practical solutions to improve their IT and data protection.

John Brett, Director of Operations at Nexus Open Systems, said: “We are delighted to be hosting this discussion event on cyber security with CSA. Cyber security is such a topical issue for businesses, yet it can be difficult to know the best practices for a robust strategy. We work with organisations of all sizes and it is just as important for SMEs as large-scale corporations to be proactive with their IT defence. Cyber security must be a board-level priority as well as discussed openly with the employees who use IT on a daily basis.”

This is an important event not to be missed. 

To book your place at the Nexus Open Systems and Cyber Security Associates discussion event, please visit:

Nexus Open Systems delivers IT solutions, services, support, training and exams to organisations of all sizes across the UK. Their products and services include: Managed Services, Proactive Management, Remediation work, Networking, Switching, Firewalls, Storage, Unified Communications, Collaboration Platform. 

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