Four creative ways to boost brand awareness

Sam Richards
Authored by Sam Richards
Posted Wednesday, October 30, 2019 - 6:27am

Making people aware of your brand is probably one of the most important jobs a business has to do in order to be a success, that, and having a product or service that customers actually want or need. 

However, it can be tricky to find new and exciting ways to get your brand out there, because no business wants to be seen as boring and unimaginative. 

Here are four creative strategies that you can apply to your business to boost your brand, and ensure that your business continues to thrive. 

Seize social media with both hands

If you are not already embracing the benefits of social media for increasing your brand awareness, then this should be at the top of your list of priorities. 

Focus on user-generated content, for example, getting your customers to post pictures of themselves using your product or by creating a catchy #hashtag on Twitter that people can share and interact with. 

Humour can work really well, depending on your business of course, as most people love to have their day brightened up by their favourite brand. Another great tip is to dress up your social media pages around certain holidays such as Halloween or Christmas.

Invest in branded goods

Everyone loves a freebie, and they especially love a freebie that is exclusive and hard to get hold of. A great way to create a buzz around your brand is by producing garment printing T-shirts and organising a giveaway of them to your most loyal customers. Simply create a post on your social media platforms telling your followers that once the post has been liked and shared, you will choose a group of them at random to win one. 

Branded goods are also great for office moral and items such as branded paper bags can be used during the holidays to give gifts to your clients; not only will they love this thoughtful gesture, but they will also be promoting your brand for weeks to come. 

Share original content

Content is everywhere online, and most businesses are producing content to try and attract new customers, however, so many people are doing it wrong. It is actually better to create no content at all than it is to produce outdated, unoriginal, and lacklustre content. If you are serious about boosting your brand awareness, then you need to have a solid content strategy in place so that the content you share is consistent, of high quality and relevant to your customers. 

Guest posting is still a popular and effective way to share great content, but you must ensure that the blogger fits with your business and the brand message that you want to portray. 

Tell your story 

People want to feel connected and invested in a brand so make sure that you tell your story; how your business came to be, any stumbling blocks you encountered along the way, how you juggle your business with family life; storytelling is the easiest way to build an emotional connection between your brand and your customers. 

Profiles on staff members on social media also work well as well as any charity or fundraising that your business has taken part in. 

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