Starting a Business in 2020: A Mini Guide

Sam Richards
Authored by Sam Richards
Posted Monday, November 18, 2019 - 7:22am

Starting a business is a life-long aspiration for ambitious individuals around the globe. Fortunately, in 2020 it has never been easier to become an entrepreneur and enjoy the wide array of benefits that come hand-in-hand with becoming your own boss. 

Whether you are making the step from freelancer to business owner, you’ve just retired, or you have decided to turn your hobby into a lucrative commercial product, the steps to starting a business are much the same. Here is a mini-guide to starting your own business in 2020, helping you take those important first steps towards your future success.

Consider the Costs 

Many small businesses collapse within a year due to a lack of preparation. It is certainly simple to start your own company - but that does not mean that it will be successful. Fortunately, there are ways to increase your chances of success, and organisation and careful planning in regards to your company’s finances are the best place to start. 

You need to consider the real costs of starting a business - including the potential cut in pay that you will face initially, as it is not uncommon for entrepreneurs to be unable to pay themselves for the initial year of their business’ existence. Plan well economically, and produce Plan B options to help you over the line. 

Create a Realistic Budget

When you start a business, it is important that you maintain a controlled budget detailing the income and outgoings that you expect. If you are unsure about how to calculate your finances or approach the monetary side of your business, it is strongly recommended that you employ a trained financial advisor to support you in this important new factor of the business. 

Alternatively, you could study a flexible course that will equip you with the tools necessary to manage the financial elements of your new company, so that you’re abreast of your financial health each and every day.

Hire Staff Carefully 

Employing staff members is one of the most expensive costs for any business: there are high recruitment costs, insurance considerations, government taxes – and, of course, their monthly wages. It may be tempting to hire lots of staff to help your business get off the ground quickly, though this is not advised because it may be unsustainable if your business doesn’t turn over a profit quickly. Many start-ups hire freelance practitioners to support them during these initial stages, with flexible contracts to ensure that business owners aren’t saddled with wages they can’t pay.

Create a Digital Marketing Strategy 

In 2020 it will be imperative for every business to establish a coherent business strategy. There are many ways to implement a strategy - and some have been detailed in this article by Web Presence. Of key importance is the development of a plan that will fit the needs of your business. It is important to consider your marketing resources and then decide which digital marketing strategy will suit your needs, building your brand and drawing in custom from across the internet. 

It has never been easier to start a business, and 2020 may be your chance to finally become an entrepreneur. But business ownership is not simple - it will require preparation, organization, and dedication, as detailed above. 

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