Tips on securing fnding for your startup

David Humphrey
Authored by David Humphrey
Posted Tuesday, November 19, 2019 - 6:19am

As more and more people are ditching their jobs to become their own boss, the world of business has become a tough ground. The competition is not only to secure a position in an already thriving market, but also to secure funds to kick-start the business. Yes, getting funds for your business is not as easy as asking someone to give you funds and you will get them.

Cash is one thing that scares an entrepreneur the most, oh well, besides the idea of getting flop after venture. And as the concept of entrepreneurship is getting popular, the struggle to pitch and bag an investor is becoming legit. That’s why many great ideas never see the dawn of the day, and passionate people never achieve the dream of becoming their own boss. Others, who still manage to manage some funds, fail because their investors are not serious. In either of the case, the business doesn’t work for them.

But that doesn’t mean your chance of meeting a serious funding agent is dead. Chances are slim due to extreme competition, but these ideas can help you win an investor for a successful venture:

Make a Convincing Business Plan:

Your business plan is the first thing your investor will see to decide whether your business is worth investing or not. Obviously, your investor is going to put his money at stake because there isn’t any guarantee that your business will work out or get flop. But the investor will judge whether the investment in your startup is worth taking a risk or not through your business plan and robust idea.

Without a detailed and reliable business plan, startups are just like jaywalkers’ playground, and no investor wants to spend money on someone’s hobby. No one will dare to take out cash from pocket if you will ask for funding without showing: what is your idea, how is it unique, what are your goals and how are you going to achieve it, etc. So, make sure to step into the market with a presentable and convincing business plan.

The option of Cofounder Works:

Money is one of the reasons why people begin startups with the cofounder. Just dig out the history of successful startups, and you will realize that the majority of them are cofounded. Just look up at Google’s history, Facebook’s starting days, or Amazon’s beginning, you will see that they all had more than one founder. And why not? Cofounding a business not only brings a massive pool of idea, but money management issue is also resolved. But cofounding is not always an option. Check out, get me my mortgage to see when cofounding a business is the best option for you.

Enhance Your Network:

Introverts have nothing to do in business. Therefore, if your contact list is not exploding with business-related people’s name, you are not going on the right path. Come out of your bubble and start interacting with people, join the community of relevant people, and attend business fairs and conferences. Stay connected with your previous classmates, co-workers, supervisors and professors. You never know which contact will turn out to be your savior.

While networking, be presentable, passionate and sensible because you have to show others that you and your idea are worth investing, and you are not starting startup as a hobby, but a passion.

See? Finding the best investors is difficult, but your right planning and strategy can win money for a successful venture.



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