Deadline extension for 5G "call for evidence"
The deadline for Devon County Council’s call for evidence on 5G has been extended until New Year's Day.
As part of a spotlight review on 5G, which is being carried out by the County Council’s Corporate Infrastructure and Regulatory Services Scrutiny Committee, members of the public are being asked for their views on the technology.
Devon County Council has no current plans to make use of 5G in its ICT and is not involved with planning applications for mobile infrastructure, but it wants to hear from people to help inform the findings of its investigation.
Feedback from members of the public can now be submitted until Wednesday 1 January, either through the online questionnaire or written representation.
People are invited to comment and share evidence or information that they feel the County Council should consider in examining the technology.
The questionnaire also asks how informed people feel about the technology and if they feel enough awareness has been raised about the use of 5G.
Anyone who fills in the questionnaire will have the opportunity to be invited to take part in a discussion with the scrutiny group at a later date.
Those who are not able to access the internet can write to: Scrutiny Team, County Hall, Exeter, EX2 4QD.