Lord Taverner's celebrate record breaking amount raised at Christmas lunch
Tuesday 10th December saw the return of the annual regional Lord’s Taverners Christmas lunch, taking place once again at Exeter’s famous Sandy Park. 636 attendees descended upon the grounds, to raise a record-breaking £73, 850 for charity. This amount will enable the Lord’s Taverners to continue their charity work, enhancing the lives of disabled young people; through the use of engaging sporting activities and events.
The afternoon required extensive planning from the chairman of the Devon & Cornwall Lord's Taverners, David Kirk and this year’s committee members (as pictured above). Utilising modern technology to allow attendees to silently bid from their tables, allowed for an afternoon of seamless conversation and informative speeches.
An event of this scale wouldn’t have been possible without the support of Sandy Park, as well as the incredible prizes donated through local businesses. Just some of the standout offerings were: A private meal cooked at your home by Mitch Tonks (which raised £4,000), a Grand Prix-VIP Silverstone Package donated by Stratton Creber Commercial (which raised £2, 800), dinner for 22 at the Pig at Combe donated by the Pig at Combe (which raised £2, 500). The prize donation list continues, reflecting the sheer generosity and willingness of Exeter organisations to come together in supporting a charity; that has been improving the lives of many since 1950.
Committee Chairman David Kirk has commented that this event “Is a great team effort by the committee and a lot of kind donations of auction prizes and helpers time that make the event work so well. Every year sees this event grow from strength to strength”.
David Kirk and all of this year's committee members would like to take this opportunity, to thank every person who had a role to play in this year's monumental success. From the venue organisers and the attendees to those who kindly donated towards the vision and mission of Lord’s Taverners. This has been David’s last year as Chairman of the charity and to end on a record-breaking high is the perfect ending.