How To Fix Common Household Problems

Claire Small
Authored by Claire Small
Posted Wednesday, April 15, 2020 - 8:52am

It's quite common for items to get broken or worn down over the years. There will be a time for every part of the house to get fixed or replaced. It would be great if you knew how to fix some of these problems easily and save some money in the process, but there is nothing wrong with hiring someone to come fix them for you. 

Here are some of the common household problems and how you can fix them yourself properly.

Taking Care Of Rusty Sinks

We've all experienced some rust all over our stainless-steel sinks over the years, but there is a nice and quick fix for it. You could mix some vinegar and baking soda and then dab the mixture in the rusted areas for about 10 minutes. After that, start scrubbing every part well and rinse it with water. You can keep doing this until it's all the rust is gone. Depending on how bad the sink is, you might want to do this twice. But overall, it's a nice and quick fix for a sink that looks unappealing and rusty.

Burst Pipe

It's quite common to have burst pipes in our plumbing because of weather changes. It tends to happen during cold weather because the pipes get frozen and that causes a lot of corrosion, which damages the pipes. This could happen no matter where you live, even if you live in sunny in Southern California. You can do it yourself by using a union pipe fitting, or even change the whole pipe if need be. However, you could hire someone if you think that it's badly damaged. The seasoned plumbers at would, however, recommend that you do not try too hard in fixing the problem yourself, especially if you do not have a clear idea to what extent the damage really is. If you do not have a good understanding of the problem, you may end up doing more damage to your pipe system. 

Clogged Toilet

Whenever you get a clogged toilet, everyone in the house panics. But with the right plunger and some elbow grease, you can fix the problem easily and quickly. Just empty out the excess water from the toilet bowl to prevent overflow and spillage. Then you need to get your plunger and start pressing it as hard as you can back and forth inside the toilet bowl to loosen up whatever is stuck in the system. Also, you can loosen the clog with some vinegar and baking soda, pouring them in together will cause the mixture to bubble up and there won't be anything clogging the way anymore. Use the plunger again afterward just to make sure that it's all clear.

Blown Air Conditioner Fuse

You might experience a blown air conditioner fuse randomly, but you shouldn't worry too much because it's an easy fix. It happens when it's too hot or the AC unit has been used excessively for a long time. You just need a screwdriver and spare fuses. They are usually small and thin metal pieces or thick bolted fuses. Either way, you can open up your AC's power switch on the wall and you will see which fuse needs to be changed because it will look like it's burnt or cut in half. Just unscrew all the bolts and nails, replace the damaged fuse with your spare one, and then screw the bolts back while making sure the new fuse is placed correctly. Once you assemble everything back, turn on the switch and the AC should be working again.

Squeaky Doors Or Windows

It's always annoying when one of your windows or your doors make squeaky sounds while they're opening or closing. It can get very frustrating if you start waking people up at the wrong time when you get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. Or if you want to let some fresh air in when it's too humid at night. You could use some cooking oil, soap, petroleum jelly, or even butter to loosen up those squeaky hinges. You will just need to unscrew the hinges and pull them out first, the dip/coat them with the lubricant you chose and then screw the hinges back. Your doors or windows should be silent after that. 

Owning a home means a lot of work getting done randomly, but it shouldn't be something to worry about because it's quite natural. Whether it's a squeaky door, leaking pipe, or a clogged toilet. You can manage to get it all fixed or replace the parts that can't be repaired anymore. Just remember that it's okay to ask for help when you can't fix something yourself. Even though it feels a lot more rewarding when you repair most of your household problems yourself. 

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