Immigrants’ Notes: What Helps us to Adjust Faster

So you have decided to move to the UK. When we travel to a different country, we only experience a fraction of what immigrants adapting to a new culture may encounter.

Many immigrants have small children or older kids still in school that come to the UK for a better education.

Coming across articles such as these bring in a bit of warmth and ease the feeling of uneasiness most immigrants face. For many people, the language is a huge factor that affects adjustment.

So what can we do to soften the blow of culture shock that comes hand in hand with immigration?...

Ormiston Wire: how to keep a business thriving for 200 years

A lot of businesses are flash in the pan successes, here today and gone tomorrow – and yet even the most wildly profitable rarely last more than 50 years.

Think about it – companies like Amazon have had their doors open for less than three decades and, while there’s no sign of their success slowing any time soon, anything could happen to them.

That’s to say nothing of most SMEs, which are likely to fail within less than a decade of establishing themselves.

It takes a great deal of tenacity, then, for a company to stay open for more than two centuries – but that’s...

South West skills shortages highlighted by the region’s businesses

A recent survey of regional businesses, undertaken by South West recruitment specialists King Recruit, uncovers concerns about future skills shortages and the dissolution of current workplace roles.

Intrigued by the changing demands of our new digital age, Specialist Recruitment and Search Agency King Recruit decided to conduct a survey with South West clients to find out if they are prepared for this so called ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution.’

Helen Plumridge, Managing Director of King Recruit, comments: “We are increasingly reminded by the media and industry experts that...

Four Ways to Improve your Home – and its Value

When you are planning to sell your home at some point, any work you do on it needs to be through the lens of what will help increase the value. While you want to choose improvements that benefit you and your family, you also want to consider the most profitable home improvements that will offer the best return on your investment. But what are some of the most common ones?

Add space to the home

One of the top ways to improve your home and add value to it is with some kind of space increasing improvement. By repurposing or adding to the space that your home provides, you can...

Lottery players help enhance facilities for Deaf students

A grant from Postcode Local Trust has allowed Exeter Deaf Academy to create both a new sensory garden and an outdoor gym for the benefit of their students.

Postcode Local Trust is a grant-giving trust funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery. Players are not only in with a chance of winning a cash prize every day, but are also supporting a number of local projects, with 32% of each ticket going to charities and good causes.

The Academy’s plan was to enhance their outdoor space for Deaf young people with complex needs with the purchase of sustainable play...

Dartmoor Rural Crime Initiative

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Sun, 10/27/2019 - 11:30pm

Devon & Cornwall Police and Dartmoor National Park Authority are working closely with partners through the Dartmoor Rural Crime Initiative, an arrangement which was formally adopted on 25 October 2019.

A working group brought together by the partnership arrangement is focussing on issues that have been identified as areas of concern by local communities.

These are reducing antisocial behaviour and increasing safety around illegal raves, reducing incidents of speeding where animals are injured or killed, general road safety on the moor and fly tipping.


Advance in search for new Clostridioides difficile vaccine

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Sun, 10/27/2019 - 10:19pm

Scientists have made a breakthrough in the hunt for a new vaccine for killer hospital bug Clostridioides difficile (C. diff).

University of Exeter researchers first identified a gene in C. diff responsible for producing a protein that aids in binding the bacteria to the gut of its victims.

In collaboration with researchers at Paris-SUD University, they then showed that mice vaccinated with this protein generated specific antibodies to the protein – and that C. diff that did not produce this protein were less able to attach to the gut.

C. diff bacteria must bind to...

Devon teams shortlisted for Social Worker of the Year awards 2019

Devon will be well represented at prestigious national awards that recognise pioneering work in social care.

Three Devon County Council social worker teams have been shortlisted for category awards at this November's Social Worker of the Year awards.

  • The Devon Prison's Adult Social Care Team has been shortlisted for the Creative and Innovative Social Work Practice award.
  • The West Devon Community Health and Social Care team, (which is part of a joint health and social care team across Devon County Council and Livewell South West), has been shortlisted for
  • ...

Nexus Open Systems to share expert cyber security tips with Cyber Security Associates at upcoming event

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Sun, 10/27/2019 - 9:16pm

The scale and sophistication of enterprise cyber threats has grown considerably in recent years, with cyber breaches costing the average small business around £25,000 in direct costs.

However, this does not mean businesses should resign themselves to becoming another cyber-attack statistic.

Exeter-based IT provider, Nexus Open Systems, and ex-military industry experts, Cyber Security Associates (CSA), will be sharing their expert advice and best practices on how businesses can protect themselves from cyber threats at an upcoming event.

The timely discussion will...

Cosy Club opens its doors in Plymouth

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Sun, 10/27/2019 - 9:08pm

The newest addition to the Plymouth food and drink scene has opened its doors in spectacular style, creating 40 jobs for local people.

Cosy Club Plymouth celebrates the joys of relaxed dining, drinking and lounging in a fabulous, welcoming setting: think aristocratic abundance with a dash of local village cricket pavilion pottiness.

Its magnificent menus veer happily from light salads to comfort food classics, from coffees and smoothies to some of the finest cocktails around! If that’s not enough, there are comprehensive brunch, gluten free and vegan menus so there’s...
