Care Quality Commission maintains RD&E rating as ‘Good’ following inspection

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Wed, 05/01/2019 - 2:01pm

The RD&E has a “strong caring culture” with staff committed to putting patients’ needs first, according to a Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection report released today.

The RD&E has maintained its ‘Good’ rating from the CQC – with some services showing improvements - after the CQC carried out a rigorous but routine and announced inspection of many of the Trust’s acute and community services earlier this year.

The CQC independently regulates health and social care services and last rated the RD&E’s services in 2015, giving them an overall Good rating. Now it...

Sandy Park Comedy Night Friday 28th June

Comedy at the Park

Event Date: 
28/06/2019 - 7:00pm to 10:30pm
Sandy Park, Exeter

Exeter's biggest comedy night is back on Friday, 28th June. The line-up is to be confirmed, but what we do know is that it will be four brilliant comics and an MC who will keep you laughing all night. Early bird tickets are now on sale until Friday, 24th May for £8, or £13 including a hot meal on the evening. Following this, prices will increase to £10 and £15.

Click here to book your ticket

How to choose the right mobile phone contract for you

Authored by David Banks
Posted: Wed, 05/01/2019 - 12:04pm

Choosing the right phone contract to meet your needs can be quite overwhelming. You need to check the texts, minutes and data as well as your budget to make sure it’s good enough for you. Before you choose to upgrade your phone plan, you need to know everything it contains effortlessly.

Use the tools at your disposal like to find the best contract that suits your requirements. First have a think about what you need.

4G Internet

It is at least 5 times faster than 3G so it’s something to consider for your new phone contract. 4G mobile internet...

How to find the right location for your business

Authored by David Banks
Posted: Wed, 05/01/2019 - 11:55am

When starting up a business, the first thing that you should think about is the location in which you would like to base it and where your offices are going to be, if you are having any. If you are thinking of moving away from Exeter to start your business, or simply want to find the right location within Exeter itself, there are many options you should consider. To find the right location for your business, you should consider factors such as your target audience, location costs and the ease of access for both yourself and your employee.

Your Target Audience


Skills Group Apprentice achieves “Distinction” in brand new assessment process

Leon Horn achieved a “Distinction” in all areas of his Customer Service Practitioner Apprenticeship through Skills Group, while working at Plymouth Community Homes

The End Point Assessment (EPA) is part of the new Apprenticeship Standard that is being rolled out nationally, replacing Apprenticeship Frameworks. The apprenticeship reforms aim to provide a more thorough and practical foundation to the profession, with emphasis on equipping learners with the core knowledge, skills and behaviours needed to progress and thrive throughout their career.

As part of the Level 2...

Why car dealers facing tough competition

Authored by David Banks
Posted: Wed, 05/01/2019 - 10:09am

A few years ago, shopping for a car meant a lot of footwork as buyers went from dealership to dealership in search of their new (or used) car. The process usually took days, even weeks for those who are ultra-particular about the features and specs they need in a car.

Fast forward to today and finding a car to buy can be done in a few clicks.

Thanks to technological advancements, it has become super easy to find, pay for, and ship a car to any location – without leaving the comfort of your home. With online alternatives to car dealers growing in popularity and numbers, that...

Penny Scott, partner at Cartridges Law

Firm backs campaign for access to legal advice by taking to the road

A legal team from Exeter solicitors Cartridges Law will be taking to the road this May in support of the Law Society’s national campaign to ensure everyone has access to legal advice when they need it.

They will be holding free legal drop in sessions in St Thomas and Pathfinder Village over four dates in May and September.

The Law Society is campaigning to improve access to justice for all, regardless of social background or wealth. Details about the campaign can be found here

The Law...

Securious' expanding cyber security team

Demand for cyber security sees Devon-based Securious expand team by 71% - Lack of online payment card compliance puts region’s businesses at threat of attack

Securious, the region’s leading cyber security compliance specialist, has seen a dramatic twelve months of growth in which businesses in the South West have become increasingly aware of their vulnerability to cyber attacks. Despite this, Securious warns that commercial operations could be blind-sided by payment card fraud due to the incorrect implementation of 3rd party Payment Card solutions.

“We’ve seen a growth in attacks on websites with databases holding customer information and payment details,” says Pete Woodward, Director at Securious. “For us, this is one of the biggest...

Google visits school in Exeter to boost kids' online safety

In 2017, Google conducted research with more than 200 teachers to learn about their experience with online safety in the classroom. We found that teachers believe children should start learning about online safety as early as the age of seven and that 99% felt that this should be a part of the curriculum. To help teachers educate their pupils about staying safe online, we launched Be Internet Legends in partnership with family internet safety experts Parent Zone, and it is accredited by the PSHE Association.

Be Internet Legends is an educational programme aimed at 7 - 11-year-olds...

Work to start on new crossing in Exmouth

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Tue, 04/30/2019 - 10:59pm

Work will start on the installation of a Toucan crossing on the A376, on the edge of Exmouth, on Tuesday 7 May.

The crossing will be located between Rivermead Avenue and Courtlands Cross and will connect to the Exe Estuary Trail via the National Trust’s Lower Halsdon Farm public path.

As part of the scheme, which is expected to take four weeks to complete, minor footpath widening will also be carried out on the eastern side of Exeter Road.

The scheme will provide a safer crossing of the A376 for pedestrians and cyclists and will improve sustainable transport links...
