British Council selects Exeter student to represent UK education in China

A politics student from the University of Exeter has been selected by the British Council to be an ambassador for UK education in China at a special forum promoting the benefits of international experience.

Sabrina Borgatti was successful in winning one of eight places available to UK students in what was an extremely tough competition.

After an initial screening of applications, a panel of judges composed of leaders in business, education and government from Beijing selected Sabrina for showing a high level of understanding of the issues surrounding international education...

Queen's Award for Exeter spin-out

Simpleware, a company set up to commercialise EPSRC-supported research at the University of Exeter, has won The Queen’s Award for Enterprise in the International Trade Category.

The award recognises the company’s growth in overseas earnings and builds on its 2012 success when it won The Queen’s Award in the Innovation category.

Founded in 2003 by Professor Philippe Young, the company’s pioneering software converts 3D image data into high-quality computer models used for engineering design and simulation. The technology has been applied across a host of disciplines and...

Motorists reminded to drive safely around roadworks

Motorists are being reminded of the dangers faced by road workers who carry out vital improvements and maintenance on our roads - in particular on the development of the South Devon Link Road.

Emergency Services, Local Authority Road Safety Teams and contractors Galliford Try are urging drivers to take extra care at road works in a bid to cut deaths and injuries of road workers.

Since 2010, eight road workers have been killed whilst improving and maintaining the road network in England – and around 2,200 road accidents where people are injured occur every year at or in road...

'Gentle growth' in number of people worshipping in churches in Devon

The number of people worshipping in Devon's Anglican churches has risen over the past year by more than one per cent, the latest attendance figures have shown.

There has been an upward trend in the recorded average weekly attendance since 2008, with the latest figure reaching 27,100 in 2011.

The number of children attending church or church related projects has also risen signficantly, to 3,800 in 2011 (the latest available figures).

The number of people going to a church service at Christmas is also up significantly, in common with other dioceses across the Church...

Neil Parish MP supports campaign to stamp out wildlife crime

Tiverton and Honiton MP Neil Parish has shown his commitment to protecting animals by pledging his support for the International Fund for Animal Welfare’s (IFAW) campaign against wildlife crime. Neil Parish, who is chairman of the Associate Parliamentary Group for Animal Welfare, hosted the IFAW’s ‘Wildlife Crime – The Fightback’ event at the House of Commons on Monday 29th April. Key speakers included Environment Minister Richard Benyon MP, and Kelvin Alie, Wildlife Crime Programme Director, IFAW. Neil Parish is working with IFAW to highlight animal welfare issues and send a clear message...

School construction care wins National Gold Award

BAM Construction - Western Ltd, the contractors responsible for building the new Montgomery Primary School in Revers Road, St Thomas, have won a prestigious National Gold Award from the Considerate Constructors Scheme.

The annual awards, run by the Scheme, recognise the highest levels of consideration and care shown by construction sites throughout the UK towards their local neighbourhood, the general public, site staff and the environment. Only 77 UK sites achieved the gold standard this year from over 7000, making this site’s achievement particularly significant.


Half of women working in the South West earn less than the Living Wage

Half of all women working in the South West earn less than the Living Wage, according to new research by Fair Play South West. The gender equality organisation supported by Equality South West has analysed provisional data from the Office of National Statistics Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings, and learned that while just 19% of men in the South West earn less than £7.45 per hour, the figure for women is 47%. Jackie Longworth, Chair of Fair Play South West, said: "Women workers suffer from the double whammy that they earn less per hour than men and they work fewer paid hours per week...

Shakespeare's Globe on Screen at Exeter Picture House

Experience a thrilling, up-close experience of the Shakespeare’s Globe productions in the comfort and convenience of your local cinema!

Globe on Screen returns to the big screen at the Exeter Picturehouse with three blockbusters from its award-winning 2012 season, including box-office sensation Twelfth Night with Stephen Fry and Mark Rylance.

It's a chance to experience the world's most famous stage as if you were there in person – all three performances have been captured in high definition and will be broadcast in their entirety with full 5.1 surround sound.


Patisserie Masterclass: French chef Mikael Perret shares his secrets

Event Date: 
16/05/2013 - 12:00pm
Gourmandine Creperie & Bistrot, Catherine Street, Exeter

Mikael Perret has been developing his skill in making patisserie for as long as he can remember.

He first discovered his love of the craft at a very early age in his native Brittany, taught by his grandmother and grandfather. Mikael has been refining his technique and thrilling his private catering clients throughout the southwest for more than 15 years, and the time has now come for him to share some of that knowledge.

If you’ve never tried to make a choux pastry, or fill a profiterole your chance is coming.

Mikael has joined forces with Gourmandine Creperie &...

Open Day for Cornerstone tenants

Authored by OneVoice
Posted: Tue, 05/07/2013 - 4:54pm

Cornerstone recently held an Open Day at its new offices on Western Way, Exeter, offering an opportunity for tenants to meet staff, tour the building, and to discuss tenant involvement and feedback with housing staff.

Representatives from Exeter City Council Housing Benefit Team and the Citizens Advice Bureau were also on hand to offer information on the recent housing benefit changes. Rick Williams, Chief Executive of Cornerstone said, “We’re continually looking at new ways of engaging with our tenants and wanted to offer an opportunity to see the new offices, meet all of our...
