Great Devon Breakfast in aid of FORCE Cancer Charity

Event Date: 
18/04/2013 - 8:00am
St Olaves, Exeter


On Thursday 18 April, Devon-based law firm Gilbert Stephens LLP will be hosting The Great Devon Breakfast in aid of local cancer charity, FORCE.

The Great Devon Breakfast is an annual fundraising event organised by the local cancer charity and last year, 14 different venues across the county hosted a Great Devon Breakfast, raising £10,000 between them.

The event supported by Gilbert Stephens LLP will be held at St Olaves Hotel located on Mary Arches street and starts at 8am. Breakfast costs £8 and...

Dizraeli and The Small Gods play Vibraphonic Festival

Dizraeli and the Small Gods were welcomed by a diverse audience at Exeter Phoenix on Friday night as part of the Exeter Vibraphonic Festival 2013. The band were visibly excited as they played well-known songs such as ‘Never Mind’ and ‘Little Things’, as well as promoting their first ever album, ‘Moving in the Dark’.

They may already have seven very different members, but the band’s talents seem to make for endless musical combinations. When she wasn’t decorating Dizraeli’s rhymes with haunting backing vocals, band member Cate Ferris was on the flute or mouth accordion. Although...

Cracking football fun for children this Easter

With Easter coming at the very start of the holidays, parents will be keen to encourage the kids to get out from underneath a pile of chocolate eggs and take some exercise afterwards, so Exeter City’s Football in the Community Charitable Trust’s events are a great way for them to let off steam as well as have fun.

Due to local demand, there will be a new event in Dawlish, on 8 and 9 April, as well as a return to North Tawton and Cullompton, both on Friday 12 April. There will also be four different events in Exeter, plus roadshows in Exmouth, Sidmouth, Crediton, Tiverton, Honiton,...

Electoral Commission recommends significant changes before next Police and Crime Commissioner elections

Only one in five people (22%) had enough information on their Police and Crime Commissioner candidates to make an informed decision, a report published today by the Electoral Commission finds.

The independent elections watchdog recommends significant changes before the next PCC elections in 2016 and identifies wider lessons for the way elections and referendums are delivered.


Turnout at last November's polls was 15.1% - the lowest recorded level of participation at a peacetime non-local government election in the UK.

The report found:


'Long live the Pope' resounds in St Peter's Square before inauguration Mass for Pope Francis

The inauguration Mass for Pope Francis is currently under way in St Peter's Square in Rome before tens of thousands of people, including 132 world leaders, marking the official start of his papacy.

Francis, who was elected by a conclave of cardinals last week to take over from Benedict XVI, took a tour of the square earlier this morning in an open-topped vehicle. Shouts of 'Long live the Pope' resounded from the crowds and Pope Francis stopped frequently to greet the crowd and kiss babies held up to him. He got out of the vehicle at one point to bless a disabled man. Communion will...

4,000 turn up to RockSolidRace's first event

Despite the rain, the hail, the mud and more mud, 2,500 participants and 1,500 spectators turned up at RockSolidRace's inaugural event on Saturday at Escot Park.

Participants took part in either a 5k or 10k race through the Devon countryside with just a few little challenges in their way. It really wasn't a course for the faint hearted. Obstacles included scaling 8 foot walls, a hydroslide, an ice skip and many, many more.

Ashley Jardine, the event organiser, commented "it was a great event and we're thrilled at the numbers that turned up especially with the weather that we...

Exeter-based IT company set to exceed growth targets

Hosted Desktop UK, an Exeter-based cloud and hosted desktop provider, is said to be on ‘cloud nine’ following news that the company has broken its £500,000 turnover target by at least 5%.

The company, started two years ago by local entrepreneur Adam Chetnik, has doubled turnover from the previous financial year and is also reporting a 12pc increase in turnover for the first financial quarter, compared to the last.

Providing specialist ‘Cloud’ solutions including virtual hosted desktops and managed IT services such as servers, email and backups to businesses throughout the...

Historic buildings paving the way to economic growth

A new English Heritage publication, Constructive Conservation – Sustainable Growth for Historic Places, demonstrates that repaired historic buildings are contributing to economic growth across the country. From new hotels in London and Ipswich, to retail and office developments in Bristol and Yorkshire and converted industrial buildings in Derbyshire and Stoke-on-Trent, across the country there are businesses flourishing in historic buildings which have been repaired or adapted to enable them a more successful financial future. 36 such buildings are celebrated in a new publication...

Perfectly mixed up – Devon’s young care leavers to stage a play in Texas

Drama has become a regular activity for Exeter’s young people in care who have joined forces with students from the University of Exeter to stage a play in Austin, Texas. Stetsons and cowboy boots are at the ready as Exeter’s creative gang of performers head to the United States. This life-changing experience will be the first time that the theatre company ‘Perfectly Mixed Up’ travel and perform outside of Devon. Throughout the week-long stay the company will perform their show, More than the Sum and run two workshops with young people in care in Austin, Texas.

‘Perfectly Mixed Up...

South Devon Link Road Project Team construct haul road

Devon County Council and Torbay Council have announced that work will soon begin on a haul road at the South Devon Link Road site.

Contractor Galliford Try will be constructing the temporary haul road from the bottom of Hamelin Way towards Kingskerswell, to allow site vehicles to access culverts at the south end of the new road. This construction is due to commence in April.

The construction schedule is as follows: • The haul road will be located within the current boundary of the new road. • Site vehicles will gain access to the haul road via a newly constructed access and...
