Business on target says leading South West housebuilder

The managing director from one of the South West’s leading housebuilders says he’s pleased with the performance of the business and believes it’s firmly on track to meet end of year expectations.

Simon Perks, managing director for Exeter-based Persimmon Homes South West says the autumn selling season has seen visitor rates rise six per cent ahead of this time last year and weekly private sales rates rise four per cent.

Speaking as Persimmon plc releases its Interim Management Statement which covers the period from 1 July 2012 to 12 November 2012, Simon said: “House buyers...

Review: Mark Thomas Bravo Figaro by Chris Hallam

Exeter Phoenix

Mark Thomas’s dad was a thoroughly unusual character. A bearded, violent brute of a man but also an uneducated working class Methodist with an admirable dedication to hard work, Mr Thomas Sr. was a mass of contradictions. Yet perhaps the strangest thing about him was his undeniable passion for opera.

Even as an adult, the comedian Mark Thomas himself is clearly still unsure what to make of his father and even after the hour long second half, you might well find yourself feeling the same way. Mark incorporates extracts of recorded interviews with his family...

A thoroughly powerful and inspiring piece of work

Event Date: 
14/11/2012 - 12:15am
Exeter Phoenix

Exeter Phoenix. November 12th – 13th.

Mark Thomas’s dad was a thoroughly unusual character. A bearded, violent brute of a man but also an uneducated working class Methodist with an admirable dedication to hard work, Mr Thomas Sr. was a mass of contradictions. Yet perhaps the strangest thing about him was his undeniable passion for opera.

Even as an adult, the comedian Mark Thomas himself is clearly still unsure what to make of his father and even after the hour long second half, you might well find yourself feeling the same way. Mark incorporates extracts of...

Commercial sprinkler system saves local business

Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service is promoting the installation of sprinkler systems in commercial premises. Sprinklers play a positive role in protecting life, reducing the economic and environmental cost of fire in any building they are installed in.

Recently a sprinkler system saved a local business from potentially severe losses following a fire at a commercial building. The fire, which started on the ground floor of the premises, was quickly dealt with by the activation of the sprinkler system and by operational firefighters using compressed air foam,...

Exeter grows ever greener with the Devon Wildlife Trust

After all the bad headlines concerning ash dieback, a Devon-based charity is now providing good news about a brighter future for our trees and woodlands.

Devon Wildlife Trust is planning to plant more than 1,000 throughout Exeter in its ‘The Big Tree Plant’ initiative which aims to attract more attractive green spaces for the city’s people and wildlife.

The charity will be working with community groups including more than 500 local school children to plant native trees which include rowan, oak, hazel, alder and hawthorn, along with fruit trees including cherry and...

15th November to be named 'Polish Squadron Day'

A very special event at The Guildhall on Thursday 15th November 2012 will honour the members of 307 (Polish) Squadron RAF who protected the skies over Exeter during the Second World War.

Michael Parrott, who is a 'Friend of Higher Cemetery', was researching the history of the Cemetery's two chapels when he was shown a wooden memorial to a 307 Pilot tucked away on the wall of an unused corner of one of the chapels.

He managed to obtain a translation of the memorial dedicated to Kazimierz Jaworksi and this led to further research on the night fighter squadron that...

Nick Clegg announces new flexible paternal leave plans

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg has announced that from 2015, the UK will move to a new system of flexible paternal leave, as part of a huge shake up of current arrangements.

Nick Clegg said: "Under the new rules, a mother will be able to trigger flexible leave at any point - if and when she feels ready.

"That means whatever time is left to run on her original year can be taken by her partner instead. Or they can divide up the remaining time between them - taking it in turns. Or they can take time off together... whatever suits them."


Newtown Christmas Craft Fayre

Event Date: 
18/11/2012 - 11:00am to 4:00pm
The Hut, Belmont Park

The annual Newtown Christmas Craft Fayre takes place on Sunday 18th November from 11am-4pm at The Hut in Belmont Park.

This popular community event, which includes a cafe, is an ideal opportunity to buy a Christmas present, or just to treat yourself.

For more information on Newtown Community Association visit

Calendar Club celebrates 15 years on Exeter high street

In 1998 Calendar Club opened its very first store in Exeter, one of 12 short term retail stores in the UK during that year. In 2012 they celebrate their 15th anniversary opening more than 300 stores in shopping centres across the UK and Ireland between September to January.

Exeter's Calendar Club store for this year is situated on the edge of the Guildhall high street entrance, in what was previously the Nickleby's menswear premises. The store stocks roughly 1,500 products that include calendars, diaries, annuals as well as an extended range including posters and animal...

Marie Curie Christmas Fayre

Event Date: 
15/12/2012 - 11:00am to 2:00pm
Red House Hotel, Torquay

'We have all been touched with the devastation that Cancer leaves behind in one way or another, this year alone I have lost two very special people who I will miss dearly.

"In their memory I am holding this event as I feel it is important that people are given the option of being able to pass away in their own home and pain free. This is a purely charity run cause which needs £12,000 per hour just to keep running. It needs people like us to give a little.' - Jodie Shears

This event is being organised by Jodie Shears, which started off as a small event, has...
