Exeter daily Local

Authored by skein
Posted: Mon, 09/10/2012 - 11:12am

Hospiscare women's walk raises record amount

Authored by skein
Posted: Fri, 09/07/2012 - 4:04pm

The issue of women, or the lack of them, occupying top spots in UK business has been in the spotlight this week. On Monday the Financial Times reported that it had seen draft EU legislation proposing to force Europe’s listed companies to reserve 40% of non-executive director positions for women or face fines or other sanctions. On Tuesday the Evening Standard sponsored a debate on the issue headed by a panel of successful professional women, including Cherie Booth QC, and Helena Morrissey, the chief executive of the global investment company, Newton Investment.

The issue is, of...

Hospiscare women's walk raises record amount

Authored by skein
Posted: Fri, 09/07/2012 - 11:32am

Estonian Academy of Security Sciences (Estonian: Sisekaitseakadeemia) is a public vocational university in Estonia, established on 15 April 1992.
