
Separating or divorcing parents can still get advice on childcare during COVID-19 outbreak

Separating or divorcing parents can still get advice on childcare during COVID-19 outbreak

Authored by Reporters
Posted: Tue, 03/31/2020 - 4:50pm



PARENTS who are separating or divorcing can still receive help and advice surrounding the care of and access to their child from a legal practice during the current COVID-19 outbreak (March, 2020).

Children in the Middle says courts are currently running virtually, so concerned mums and dads should not be worried as cases about the care of their children will continue.

Family barrister, Elizabeth McCallum, who is the co-founder of the legal service Children in the Middle, along with her...

Family barrister, Elizabeth McCallum from Children in the Middle

Put children first on Mother’s Day

Authored by Reporters
Posted: Thu, 03/12/2020 - 11:44am

MOTHERING Sunday (March 22, 2020) can be difficult for parents who don’t live with or can’t be with their children and also for youngsters who are unable to be with their parents.

For mothers, or any parent, not seeing or having contact with their offspring on any special occasion may be heart-breaking but it can have a lasting detrimental impact on children.

Family barrister, Elizabeth McCallum, who is the co-founder of the Bristol legal service Children in the Middle, along with her fellow Exeter-based barrister Sarah Evans, says: “Despite the cards, chocolates, flowers...

Divorcing or separating? Did you know you can access a barrister direct?

Divorcing or separating? Did you know you can access a barrister direct?

Authored by Reporters
Posted: Sat, 02/22/2020 - 12:47pm

CHANGES in the law mean separating or divorcing parents struggling to make arrangements to see their children can have direct access to barristers to represent them inside and outside court (February 2020).

In the past a solicitor was required to instruct a barrister, but due to rule changes under the Public Access Scheme, members of the public are now able to instruct barristers direct.

Family barrister and co-founder, along with fellow barrister Sarah Evans, of Bristol-based legal service Children in the Middle, Elizabeth McCallum explains: “Most people understand how...

NSPCC launch fun and furry fundraiser as it appeals for Devon businesses to support its Bear Diaries  

Businesses in Devon have the chance to recruit a furry helper and raise crucial funds for the NSPCC thanks to its new fundraising initiative.

The children’s charity is launching a unique fundraising opportunity in association with Build-a-Bear in which only a limited number of local businesses will be able to take part.

For a £50 donation, businesses can acquire a temporary employee in the form of a bear who can be present around the workplace between Monday 17 February and Friday 28 February.

Businesses taking part are encouraged to dress their bear in suitable...

Children shouldn’t lose touch with grandparents  when parents divorce or separate

Children shouldn’t lose touch with grandparents when parents divorce or separate

Authored by Reporters
Posted: Fri, 01/31/2020 - 12:52pm

CHILDREN whose parents are separating or divorcing should stay in touch with their grandparents and other vital extended family members according to experts at a westcountry legal practice (January 2020). In the US, grandparents have the chance to become the legal guardian of their grandchildren, if neither of the parents is presently fit to have custody. You can find out more by reading this article:

Children in the Middle, the only legal practice in England and Wales specialising in giving parents direct access to...

Separating, divorcing? Get a fresh start to 2020 with the right legal help

Separating, divorcing? Get a fresh start to 2020 with the right legal help

Authored by Reporters
Posted: Mon, 01/27/2020 - 11:50am

PARENTS who are separating or divorcing but are struggling to make arrangements to see their children are invited to get in touch with a new legal practice this month (January 2020).

Children in the Middle is the only legal practice in England and Wales specialising solely in giving parents direct access to barristers to represent them in court, and outside.

Family barrister and co-founder, along with fellow Exeter barrister Sarah Evans, of Children in the Middle, Elizabeth McCallum explains: “If you are in a situation where you’re finding it difficult to agree with your...

The top biggest parenting trends for 2020 and the top five worries mums and dads have about their children

Authored by Marc Astley
Posted: Sun, 01/12/2020 - 9:17pm

The UK’s leading online platform for parents and childcarers has revealed the top parenting trends for 2020, along with the biggest worries for UK parents going into the new year.

A survey of more than 5,000 parents and guardians of 0 to 16 year-olds has found that limitations on children’s social media use and screen time is the biggest trend for 2020, followed by dismantling gender norms, and plant-based diets. The anti-vaccination movement has been revealed as the biggest worry among parents.

A survey of more than 5,000 parents and guardians of children aged 0 to 16 has...

Avoid flu – book your child’s vaccination appointment

Amid warnings that new cases of flu could peak over the busy Christmas period, the parents of a nine-year-old boy from Devon who died from the illness in January last year, are calling on parents to vaccinate their children.

The request follows the release of data from Public Health England (PHE), showing that GP consultations across the country for Influenza-like illness have risen in the last few weeks.

In Devon, community clinics are being scheduled for school age children, who missed their initial school appointment for a nasal flu spray. Parents who would like to book...

Childline prepares to support children during their darkest hours at Christmas

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Thu, 12/19/2019 - 12:31pm

Childline volunteers are preparing to work day and night over the festive period to help young people from the South West who are struggling to cope with serious mental health problems.

In 2018/19 the NSPCC service delivered 7,157 counselling sessions across the 12-day period over Christmas and New Year – with almost 900 of those sessions happening between midnight and 7am.

More than half of those seeking support through the night across the festive period were struggling with mental health issues, self-harm and in the worst cases, suicidal thoughts and feelings.


No ‘Holly, Jolly Christmas’ for parents separated from children

No ‘Holly, Jolly Christmas’ for parents separated from children

Authored by Reporters
Posted: Mon, 12/16/2019 - 4:25pm

AS THE famous festive song crooned by Andy Williams proclaims ‘It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year’ but not for all families says a unique legal service (December 2019).

Children in the Middle warns of Christmas heartache for estranged parents and asks others to spare a thought for those who are prevented from seeing their children this yuletide.

Family barrister, Elizabeth McCallum, who co-founded the legal service with her fellow Exeter barrister Sarah Evans, says: “It’s important to remember that not everyone will be having such a ‘Holly, Jolly Christmas’ this year...
