
Elizabeth McCallum, who is a family barrister and co-founder of Children in the Middle®.

Now could be a key divorce time with children back at school say family barristers

Authored by Reporters
Posted: Wed, 09/30/2020 - 10:29am

EXETER parents wishing to divorce or separate tend to keep their marriages and relationships going to cover specific holiday periods with their children according to family law experts.

Westcountry-based legal service, Children in the Middle® says this term can be a key for parents splitting-up, as it comes after the school holidays and, this year, months of home-schooling.

Family barrister, Elizabeth McCallum a, who co-founded Children in the Middle® with fellow Exeter barrister Sarah Evans, says: “During this longer break, people tend to try and keep it together for their...

Elizabeth McCallum, who is a family barrister and co-founder of Children in the Middle.

Education and wellbeing of children remains as important as ever after lockdown

Authored by Reporters
Posted: Mon, 09/07/2020 - 12:25pm

A WESTCOUNTRY legal practice which specialises in child-focused family law says a youngster’s education and wellbeing is now more important than ever after the COVID-19 lockdown (September 2020).

It was recently revealed by the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS) that children from wealthier families were spending more time studying during the pandemic than poorer children.

Family barrister, Elizabeth McCallum, who co-founded the legal service, Children in the Middle®, with fellow Exeter barrister Sarah Evans, says: “Understandably, parents have had a lot to worry about...

Sarah Evans from Children in the Middle

Sarah leads Arbitration Service for parents who are separating or divorcing

Authored by Reporters
Posted: Mon, 08/17/2020 - 11:38am

JUDGE and family law expert Sarah Evans is heading-up a remote virtual Arbitration Service for divorcing or separating parents seeking legally-binding decisions about their children rather than going to court (August 2020).

Exeter-based Barrister Sarah, who helped found the Westcountry-based legal service, Children in the Middle®, is leading the service to offer people quick decisions with the same enforceability as a court order.

She explains: “Senior judges are urging people, especially during the current COVID-19 crisis, to seek alternatives to court and it can even be...

Teaching children vital gas safety awareness

Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Sun, 08/16/2020 - 11:15pm

Local children are being urged to learn lifelong gas safety lessons this summer, while being in with a chance of winning a national competition.

Wales & West Utilities is calling upon local children to come up with something creative that raises awareness of the dangers of carbon monoxide (CO) – known as the ‘silent killer’ because you can’t see it, smell it or taste it – ahead of the 30 September deadline.

The gas emergency and pipeline service, which runs the annual ‘Get Creative, Be Safe’ competition in Wales and the south west of England, is looking for...

Parents urged not to use facemask on their baby

Parents and guardians of babies under 12 months are advised not to cover their mouths with facemasks as it could cause breathing difficulties. While there have been no reports of ‘baby masks’ being sold in Devon, Torbay or Somerset, parents and guardians are urged not to buy them as they could harm their baby’s health.

The advice comes from Devon, Somerset and Torbay Trading Standards Service.

It follows reports that face masks for babies, also known as 'baby masks' or 'cute masks', are being sold in some parts of the country and online.

Currently Government...

East Devon District Council to re-open 12 play areas

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Fri, 07/10/2020 - 5:37pm

East Devon District Council will be re-opening 12 play areas from Monday (13thJuly) following the relaxation of restrictions around the coronavirus lockdown.

The district council manages 71 play areas and eight outdoor gyms which were all closed in March due to the coronavirus pandemic. In the coming weeks, the council will assess the remaining 59 play areas and outdoor gym equipment and will phase the re-opening of these sites once safety inspections, risk assessments and mitigation measures have been put in place.

The following sites will re-open from Monday:...

£1.85 million for children’s health and maternity research 

A national research collaboration has been awarded £1.85 million to investigate children’s health and maternal wellbeing.

Researchers from PenARC (NIHR ARC South West Peninsula) based at the University of Exeter Medical School have collaborated with colleagues from ARC Yorkshire and Humber to develop the national research programme.

PenARC is one of the leading Applied Research Centres (ARCs) funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), conducting research to improve the health and needs of patients in the NHS. The new £1.85 million collaboration is...

Barristers launch remote arbitration service for splitting-up parents

Authored by Reporters
Posted: Fri, 06/26/2020 - 1:53pm

TWO family law experts have launched a virtual Arbitration Service for divorcing or separating parents to get legally binding decisions potentially remotely about their children rather than going through court.

Founders of the Westcountry legal service, Children in the Middle, family barrister, Elizabeth McCallum and Exeter-based barrister, Sarah Evans, have set-up the service to offer people quick decisions with the same enforceability as a court order.

Elizabeth says: “When there are disputes about children, such as how much time is spent with each parent, what their...

Housebuilder gives parents a sporting boost to keep children active

Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Fri, 06/19/2020 - 10:07pm

Parents in South West are being offered an online ‘sports day at home’ pack thanks to a leading housebuilder’s partnership with Team GB.

With the current Covid-19 crisis still unfolding, many parents have had to get used to home schooling amid the uncertainty of when their children will return to school.

Now Persimmon Homes South West, thanks to its ongoing partnership with The British Olympic Association, is offering parents the chance to download special sports packs for free and start planning their own sports day at home.

World Championship silver medallist...

Estranged parents seeking help in the lockdown can access family barristers remotely.

Estranged parents seeking help in the lockdown can access family barristers remotely

Authored by Reporters
Posted: Mon, 06/15/2020 - 1:51pm

SEPARATING/divorcing parents making arrangements about their children during the lockdown can get direct access to barristers to represent them in and outside court thanks to a unique remote legal service (June 2020).

Westcountry-based Children in the Middle, which is the only practice solely specialising in this work nationally, offers access via online video and voice calls to family barristers who can help.

Elizabeth McCallum, who is a family barrister and co-founder of Children in the Middle, along with fellow Exeter barrister Sarah Evans, explains: “We offer parents,...
