
Man sentenced following grooming conviction

David Telles, 38, from California, USA, has been sentenced to six years in jail after appearing at Exeter Crown Court yeserday (6 November). Telles pleaded guilty to meeting a child following sexual grooming, abducting a child, three offences of sexual activity with a child, and engaging in a sexual act in the presence of a child at a hearing held at Exeter Crown Court in October.

Telles flew to the UK in June 2014 to meet the 14-year-old after exchanging messages online. He took her from Cornwall to a hotel near Exeter. Senior Investigating Officer Detective Inspector Andrea...

Plans to be unveiled for district heating in Exeter

There is a rare chance to get inside information on the work of the Exeter and East Devon Low Carbon Task Force (LCTF) – most notably plans for a centralised district heating system – next Tuesday 11th November.

The plans involve an integrated heating system that could pump heat directly into homes and businesses via a centralised network of pipes.

The LCTF’s chair John Rigby will give a presentation at an event organised by Exeter Community Energy (ECOE) at the Meeting Room of Stephens Scown Solicitors, Curzon House, Southernhay at 6:45. There’ll then be an open forum to...

Exeter hosts 5th Twilight bus running event

On Sunday 9th November Exeter plays host to the fifth annual ‘Twilight Running’ event when a selection of vintage vehicles will operate across several historic Exeter City Transport bus routes.

Vehicles taking part date from the 1930s right up to the 1980s and will be departing from Exeter City Bus Station stands 2, 3 and 4 from 2pm in the afternoon up until 7pm in the evening. All journeys will start and finish at the bus station and will last anywhere up to 45 minutes. Passengers will only be able to board at the bus station and all journeys are completely free.


Sidmouth man pleads guilty to manslaughter of pensioner

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Thu, 11/06/2014 - 4:29pm

A 42-year-old man has pleaded guilty to the manslaughter of a pensioner in Sidmouth

Nicholas Jamieson, from Sidmouth, today pleaded guilty at Exeter Crown Court to the manslaughter of Brian Kemp.

He has been sentenced to a hospital order with restrictions. Mr Jamieson was arrested following the death of Brian Kemp, 71, on 26 September 2014.

Mr Kemp had been assaulted with a weapon at the Blackhorse Hotel in Sidmouth.

Following the sentencing, the senior investigating officer Detective Inspector Gregg Dawe said: “This was a particularly vicious and senseless...

SWW leads the way in training tomorrow's engineers

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Thu, 11/06/2014 - 3:33pm

South West Water is the first company in the UK to have secured support from Government, under the Employer Ownership Fund, to help it to train a new generation of engineers.

The announcement was made on Monday (3 November) by Business, Innovation & Skills Secretary Vince Cable at the launch of Tomorrow's Engineers Week, which is aimed at encouraging more people to take up careers in engineering, given the national shortage of skilled engineers. The Government and South West Water are to co-invest more than £250,000 to support staff in developing engineering skills within the...

Exeter "legal highs" shop ceases trading

Wicked Head legal high shop in South Street, Exeter has now ceased trading following an investigation by police after numerous complaints had been received since the shop’s opening in August. The complaints centred around anti-social behaviour, nuisance and disorder by persons visiting the shop located in South Street, Exeter and the subsequent effects on them following purchase of substances deemed ‘legal highs’. Over three months police logged complaints from local trades and members of the public visiting the City to shop. The anti-social behaviour by persons attending the shop to...

RWC2015 tickets to go back on sale

Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Thu, 11/06/2014 - 11:21am

The remaining tickets from the September general sale for Rugby World Cup 2015 will go back on sale at the end of November.

The sale of around 300,000 tickets spanning 25 matches will take place in three stages, with priority access given to applicants that were unsuccessful in the ballot.

Stage 1 – Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 November – Ticket sale open to unsuccessful applicants from the September general sale.

Stage 2 – Wednesday 26 and Thursday 27 November – Ticket sale open to partially successful applicants from the September general sale (applicants who did not...

Pumpkin carving winner announced

Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Thu, 11/06/2014 - 10:57am

An eight-year-old fundraiser has won a Hallowe'en pumpkin carving competition with a not so scary creation that wowed the Lord Mayor of Exeter.

Raising money for charity Children’s Hospice South West (CHSW), the Southgate Mercure Exeter Hotel gave out pumpkins to guests, businesses, supporters of the charity and others.

Amongst the many entries Hannah Sparkes, who uses the charity’s Little Harbour Hospice, in St Austell, won the children’s competition with her striking creation, which featured a huge smile beneath purple, pink and white hair.

Hannah, from Exeter,...

Encouraging social entrepreneurs of the future

Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Thu, 11/06/2014 - 10:44am

Devon County Council is supporting a new scheme aimed at encouraging the growth of dynamic small social enterprises and 3rd sector organisations in Devon.

The project will be run by The School for Social Entrepreneurs, Dartington.

Social entrepreneurs establish and run enterprises with the aim of furthering specific social, cultural, and/or environmental goals, into which profits are reinvested. They tend to operate predominantly within the social economy.

It follows the success of a similar scheme in North Devon earlier in the year which saw 17 participants...

Recruitment open day for registered nurses

Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Thu, 11/06/2014 - 10:15am

Registered Nurses are being offered the opportunity to find out more about what it’s like to work at the Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust at a recruitment open day on Saturday 8th November.

The event, which takes place between 9.30am – 3pm in the Research, Innovation, Learning and Development (RILD) building on the Wonford site, will give prospective employees the chance to learn more about the Trust and the opportunities on offer.

The Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust provides hospital services to over 400,000 people in Exeter and East and Mid Devon,...
