
Why can't we have it all?

Authored by Lucie Simic
Posted: Thu, 10/11/2012 - 4:18pm

I read another depressing article in the Daily Mail Online about how women ‘can’t have it all’ when it comes to career and motherhood. I find this kind of article the worst, probably worse than seeing the streams of airbrushed models strewn across the pages of glossy magazines, beacaue I know that is unrealistic…I am old enough and wise enough to know what ‘real’ women’s bodies look like, but there is nothing more crushing, or more negative to portray, than telling women they simply can’t ‘have it all’.

Firstly, what is ‘having it all’?? This itself is confusing, because one of the...

New South Devon University Technical College bid out for public consultation

A proposal for a new University Technical College (UTC), based in Newton Abbot, focusing on the Engineering, Water and Environmental sectors is out for public consultation during October.

University Technical Colleges are a new concept in education. UTCs will be equipped to the highest standards to provide top quality, technically-orientated courses. Starting at the age of 14, students will study technical subjects alongside the core GCSE subjects of English, Mathematics, Science and IT, integrating academic requirements with practical learning. The South Devon UTC will have places...
