Exeter cancer team takes on Captain Tom style challenge

National hero Captain Tom Moore has inspired cancer specialists from the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital to take on their own fundraising challenge.

Staff from the Oncology Department at the RD&E are planning to complete laps of the hospital in aid of FORCE Cancer Charity.

The plan is for doctors, nurses, radiographers and other healthcare professionals from the hospital to form teams of at least 12 people to take on the 12-hour challenge every day from Monday to Friday next week, April 27 to May 1.

During their breaks they will walk or run laps around the...

6 Interior Design Trends that You Need to Know About

Authored by Claire Small
Posted: Wed, 04/22/2020 - 10:59am

Interior decoration is an art but most of the women have a knack of nailing it to perfection in spite of any professional degree at their disposal. With some info on what is trending these days, anyone would be able to update their homes to make it look newer and ever-changing as per their tastes.

Presenting here are 10 such trends that the interior designers are adopting. Most of these trends reveal that the need of the hour is to keep it simple and minimalistic.

Color blues

Navy blue is the trending color. The trend now is to make a dichromatic effect with the...

7 Quick Steps to Tidy and Present Your Garden Beautifully

Authored by Claire Small
Posted: Wed, 04/22/2020 - 10:14am

With spring in the air, it’s natural that you will be keen to make the most of your own garden. If you’re short of space, or are worried you’ve let things go a bit, don’t worry; here are 7 great ideas to get your garden looking great and ready to enjoy again.

1 De-clutter

If you have kids, the chances are your garden will have toys and other items scattered around. These can find their way into flower beds, water features and many other places, not to mention being a hazard on paths and patios. Take time to clear everything away, from the largest to the smallest. It’s...

5 Fantastic Ways to Reward Yourself

Have you at any point attempted to reward yourself? It isn't unexpected to compensate yourself after increasing an effective objective in day by day lives once some time. Each individual has their one of a kind approaches to reward himself/herself. Rewarding yourself isn't wrongdoing as it will make a perpetual positive effect on how you feel after doing beneficial things or buckling down to complete the tasks. For what reason do rewards make a difference? Since when you praise your achievements, you advise yourself that you are capable of reaching your objectives. Here are some ways to...

DIY Backyard Pavers You Can Do During Lockdown

Due to the pandemic, every non-essential services are on hold due to the lockdown. In most places, companies and services that can operate are the ones dealing with people's primary needs, such as medicine and food. If you were planning to do a construction job, sadly, you won't be able to hire any contractors.

While getting workers is impossible, it does not mean you can't do any construction projects. A lot of the work that you think requires contractors is actually possible by doing it yourself. One of which is doing pavers for your garden.

How to Build a Patio Paver...

5 Ways Mobile Freezer Trailers Can Help Rebuild Your Business

As the coronavirus outbreak continues to bring the world to a standstill, many commercial entities are struggling to cope with the impact. While some companies are set to make record profits due to increased demand for their services, others are being forced to permanently close their doors.

If you’re a business owner, manager or investor, there’s no doubt you’ll be looking for ways to safeguard your enterprise. No matter what sector you operate in, there will be challenges to overcome as countries attempt to recover from the widespread impact of COVID-19.


Wildlife charity, Butterfly Conservation, launches plea to public to help measure impacts of climate change while its scientists are in lockdown

Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Tue, 04/21/2020 - 10:50pm

Leading wildlife charity, Butterfly Conservation, known for its sector-leading butterfly and moth population data going back over 50 years, has launched a plea to the public to help contribute to assessing the effects of climate change while it’s scientists and volunteers are unable to carry out monitoring of wildlife sites during the lockdown.

A vital indicator of the effects of climate change in the UK, butterfly phenology (the study of the timing of natural events) recording is going to be severely affected this spring due to the restrictions on movement to halt the spread of...

Crucial funds reach community groups in Exeter during COVID-19 relief effort

Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Tue, 04/21/2020 - 10:06pm

The Neighbourly Community Fund, set up less than a month ago and kickstarted by M&S, has announced its support for local organisations in Devon, from food banks to youth clubs. The nationwide scheme has been set up to help provide immediate emergency funding to support the most vulnerable during the Covid-19 crisis.

As well as an initial £100k cash injection from the M&S family, vital funds for the scheme are also being raised by Sparks cards customers, who are able to select Neighbourly as their chosen Sparks charity when they shop with M&S in store or online....

Exeter SMEs estimate COVID crisis has already cost over £163,000 per company

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Tue, 04/21/2020 - 9:20pm

THE Coronavirus crisis has already cost Exeter SMEs an average of £163,000 each, according to a landmark nationwide survey released today by Fiverr .

The study – conducted amongst 1,000 SME owners and decision makers in 19 cities across the UK – also found that half of Exeter small businesses have turned to freelancers to help manage their remote workload since the crisis took hold.

Despite the heavy toll, Exeter businesses are the most optimistic in the UK, as 68% rate their future prospects once Covid has passed. They are also less fearful about the future than any...

Diabetes UK urges parents to be 4Ts aware during lockdown

Diabetes UK is urging parents not to let coronavirus fears stop them from seeking medical help if they’re worried their child is showing the signs and symptoms of type 1 diabetes.

Echoing comments made on Wednesday (8th April) by Professor Stephen Powis, National Medical Director of NHS England that the public should – as they always have done – seek emergency care if they need it, the charity is reminding parents of the 4Ts of type 1 diabetes, and reassuring them that if they need urgent help – the NHS is open.

Type 1 diabetes is the most common form in children and...
