Do You Need Taxi Insurance to Work as a Cab Driver?

There are lots of reasons to envy taxi drivers. Driving a taxi is an incredibly liberating experience, and it is a job that offers flexible hours and potentially excellent pay. Even with the rise of Uber , there are still lots of people looking to get into the role of a traditional taxi driver, and it isn’t hard to see why.

One of the biggest attractions of becoming a taxi driver is that there are very few barriers to entry. While those who have a criminal record for serious offences may not be able to obtain the necessary taxi operators’ licence, just about anyone with a full...

Shortlisted for awards

On the CILEx Awards shortlist

All three nominations put forward for The Family Law Company have made the shortlist for this year’s CILEx Awards.

These national awards serve to recognise individuals and firms that provide the highest quality of service and those that show a commitment to encouraging people from diverse backgrounds to realise they can have a career in the legal profession.

Director Donna Hart has been shortlisted in the Joyce Arram Memorial Award for Advancing the Legal Profession, which recognises those who promote access to the legal profession and inspire future generations of legal...

Can Gambling Make You Financially Independent?

Do you think you could find a direct connection between the money you would normally wager on your gambling hobby and your gross income? Is there an ideal percentage that would be considered safe to gamble? Lots of people would argue that no one should gamble since the odds of winning against the house are so slim the effort is simply not worth it. However, there are also lots of folks who find gambling entertaining enough to be worth the risk of losing actual money on it. And some of them are wise enough to establish a link between their personal income and the gambling stakes.


Donkeys take centre stage at RHS Chelsea Flower Show

The Donkey Sanctuary has opened its Artisan Garden with a pair of donkeys at this year’s RHS Chelsea Flower Show.

Travelling from their Guardian home at Mudchute Park and Farm on the Isle of Dogs, Skooby and Harley stood calmly, demonstrating ‘Why Donkeys Matter’.

The garden marks The Donkey Sanctuary’s 50th anniversary and is designed to showcase the charity’s international work. Using water as its central theme, the garden demonstrates how owning a donkey means access to clean, fresh water for some of the poorest and most vulnerable communities in the world.

A key...

Exeter Chamber of Commerce launches new survey on the successes and challenges of Exeter businesses

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Mon, 05/20/2019 - 8:44am

Exeter Chamber of Commerce has launched a new survey to study the successes and challenges of Exeter businesses. The survey will provide greater insight into the reality of running a business in the Greater Exeter area and celebrate business achievements

Businesses operating in the Greater Exeter area will be invited to tell the Chamber their biggest challenge and greatest successes from the last twelve months. Exeter Chamber will compile a report with key learnings available to Chamber members. This report will showcase the city’s top ten successes, recognising these with an...

Have your say about NHS waiting times at Exeter event

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Mon, 05/20/2019 - 8:37am

Patients can have their say on waiting for NHS treatment as part of new Exeter research which could influence health policy.

Members of the public are invited to take part in a workshop, held as part of a study examining how waiting for medical treatment is connected to people’s anxiety about their health, and how this time can be made more positive.

During the daytime event, held on 22 May at Exeter Central Library, academics from the University of Exeter will ask people about their own experiences. Participants will also be able to work with the researchers to plan future...

Passionate Machine by Rosy Carrick. Image: Sharon Kilgannon

Passionate Machine in Devon

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Sat, 05/18/2019 - 3:08pm

What would you change if you could travel through time? The world’s first female time travelling doctor is bringing her multi award winning show to Somerset help you decide

Remember PE kit. Cancel free trial. Call mum. Everyone writes instructions to their future selves. But what happens if the future starts writing back? Join Doctor Rosy Carrick as she brings her multi-award winning play to Clevedon to find out…

Pipping Jodie Whittaker to the post as the world’s first female time travelling doctor, Rosy debuted this funny, poignant, sad, and at points shocking, show at the...

Di and Sammi Rosser on the Twilight Walk

Hospiscare's Twilight Walk: Di & Sammi Rosser's Story

Authored by Hospiscare
Posted: Sat, 05/18/2019 - 11:20am

In 2016, Di & Sammi Rosser took part in the Twilight Walk simply because it sounded like a fun event and they felt that Hospiscare was a charity worth supporting. They could never have imagined two years later they would be walking in memory, having placed a photo of their much loved husband and dad Jeff on their memory star and displaying it, with so many others, within the special memory tent at The Maer, Exmouth.

“Behind our smiles and excitement about taking part in last year’s Twilight Walk is a terrible sadness and grief at the loss of a loving husband and dad to cancer...

Patients needed for biggest ever study into depression and anxiety

Healthcare professionals in the South West are proud to be able to offer patients in the region the opportunity to take part in the biggest ever study of depression and anxiety.

Depression and anxiety are the most common mental health disorders worldwide. In the UK, 1 in 3 people will experience symptoms during their lifetime.

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and researchers in the region are encouraging patients to sign up to take part in the GLAD study (Genetic Links to Anxiety and Depression) which aims to better understand depression and anxiety in order to...

Exeter School hosts British Shooting Target Sprint for third year

Exeter School hosted the South West Championships for the third year running with an excellent turn out, welcoming athletes from all over the country. Callum Fricker, who travelled down from Manchester, took the Junior Men's category in style, with local athlete Jonathan Williams from North Devon taking silver. Many athletes qualified for the National Series Final having only very recently taken up Target Sprint. This included two mums Lucy Woolley and Donna Throgmorton, who were inspired by their children Seth and Erin to give it a go. They both had a fun and very successful competition,...
