Prestigious Arkwright Engineering Scholarship for Exeter School pupil

An Exeter School pupil has been awarded a sought-after Arkwright Engineering Scholarship that identifies him as one of the country's future leaders in engineering and related areas of design.

Lower Sixth Former Tom Wright is the eighth pupil in eight years to receive the prestigious scholarship, following in the footsteps of seven alumni including his older brother Sebastian.

The renowned Arkwright Engineering Scholarships provide pupils with a £600 financial award to enhance their A Level studies and a range of activities to increase their understanding and experience of...

Devon receives national investment to help older people get active in nature

Devon’s Local Nature Partnership has been awarded £500,000 of National Lottery funding from Sport England to deliver a new and exciting five year programme that will support older people in Devon and Torbay to connect actively to nature.

The ‘Connecting Actively to Nature (CAN)’ programme will help over 3,000 inactive people to discover the combined benefits of a more active lifestyle with the psychological benefits that being outdoors in nature brings.

Hannah Colston, Senior Development Manager at Active Devon said: “We know from local consultation that people have a...

Car park charges help conservation in Dartmoor National Park

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Mon, 10/09/2017 - 5:11pm

At its meeting on 6 October 2017 Dartmoor National Park Authority made the decision to implement charges for vehicle parking at Haytor, Postbridge, Meldon Reservoir and Newbridge car parks.

The decision follows a period of public consultation and Members of the Authority considered the feedback from this prior to making their decision.

The public consultation process showed that there are wide ranging views about the principle of having to pay to park within a National Park, but it is apparent that the public expect and are generally supportive of the concept of paying to...

Exeter School pupils fundraise for Bolham Ward at the RD&E

Pupils from Exeter School have supported the purchase of new equipment for Bolham Ward at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital in memory of a former pupil.

Patrick Tilbury, who attended Exeter School from 1979 to 1984, sadly passed away on Bolham Ward in January 2016. His parents Barbara and David Tilbury have since been fundraising to purchase new pieces of equipment to help the neurological ward care for other patients like Patrick.

After being inspired by Patrick’s story, pupils from his former school were keen to help support the Tilbury family’s fundraising efforts and...

Why you should get your home ready for winter

Buying in new candles and throws is all well and good, but have you considered how ready your home is for the changing seasons? As temperatures plummet across the UK, you could be putting yourself and your loved ones at risk if your humble abode is not fully prepared and protected against the elements. Not to mention that a poorly winter-prepped home will have a negative effect on those already escalating energy bills, as a home that is less energy efficient will cost a lot more to heat. So whether you are a DIY lover, or the thought of getting up a ladder makes you come out in a sweat,...

Wildlife of the World photography exhibition

Event Date: 
01/11/2017 - 10:00am to 05/11/2017 - 3:00pm
Clyst House, Winslade Park, Clyst St. Mary, Exeter, Devon, EX5 1AB

Open 10am – 3pm Daily Cost Free Public Admission

The photographers participating in this theme have sent us striking images of the widest range of species, from elephants to insects. Many of the images in this exhibition highlight the relationships that species have with their habitats. What shines through is the photographers’ admiration and empathy with the subject, together with their sheer joy and sense of privilege of being able to photograph them.

We hope this exhibition will encourage our visitors to make a personal commitment to help preserve our biosphere and its...

Five Steps to Getting a Fresh Start

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Mon, 10/09/2017 - 3:38pm

Life is messy, which means it’s very possible that even people with the best intentions find themselves at a point where they need to get a fresh start. Sometimes fixing messes simply isn’t worth it, which is when it’s time to pack up and clean the slate. The difference between getting a fresh start and running from your problems are your circumstances. Not liking where you live, having too many bad memories, or simply not having enough opportunities are all valid reasons for getting a fresh start.

To help you get your fresh start, follow these five steps:

1. Scout Out a...

Exeter Community Energy launches “Healthy Homes”, Trews Weir hydroelectric study, and its £4,000 Community Fund

Authored by Mark Allen
Posted: Mon, 10/09/2017 - 3:04pm

Exeter Community Energy has launched its Healthy Homes for Wellbeing project this autumn, an initiative to assist local people living in cold, damp unhealthy homes who are experiencing fuel poverty and poor health to make their homes warmer and healthier.

ECOE energy advisors will visit people in their homes and conduct a free energy assessment to provide energy advice that helps them to better heat their homes.

This will include installing low cost energy saving measures like LED lights and draught proofing, help with switching energy suppliers, signing up households for...

Working Together 2017 conference gets voluntary organisations talking to each other

Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Mon, 10/09/2017 - 10:03am

Over 100 representatives of voluntary organisations and community groups attended East Devon District Council’s annual ‘Working Together for the Future of East Devon’ event, held at Knowle, Sidmouth on Friday 29 September 2017.

Councillor Jill Elson, East Devon District Council’s portfolio holder for sustainable homes and communities, who is responsible for organising this occasion, said she was delighted with the high level of attendance from voluntary organisations, community groups and town and parish councils who turned out in force to support this free event. The event broadly...

Devon apprentices and graduate to keep local people safe and warm

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Sun, 10/08/2017 - 10:43pm

Seven young people from Devon have started their training programmes with Wales & West Utilities as the company continues to work hard to keep the gas flowing to homes and businesses while preparing to meet future challenges.

The new recruits, Jordan Rundle, Luke Hathaway, Robert Hook, Niall Bradley, Louis Allan, earned places on the company’s highly regarded apprenticeship whilst Henry James has started the company’s graduate programme. All will now train to support the work it does to keep communities across Wales and the south west of England safe and warm.

The Devon...
