First snow-related death from Blizzard Nemo confirmed

Blizzard Nemo has hit the North East Coast of The U.S. burying the roads in over thirty inches of snow in some places.

The first casualty of the severe weather conditions, a 74-year-old man, has died in Poughkeepsie, New York. He was hit by an 18-year-old driver, who lost control of his vehicle due to snow and hit the pedestrian who was walking on the side of the road.

It is reported that New England is the state that has been the worst hit. (NewsPoint)

Land Girls in Exeter? No need to panic though

Authored by jeffpibod
Posted: Sat, 02/09/2013 - 4:21pm

Apparently there was an outbreak of Blitz Spirit this afternoon. What on earth is going on? The Ministry of Historical Defence were on hand to reassure the public that this was merely a leak of history and that we should not be alarmed or panic. We were instead handed business cards and encouraged to report any other siting of History Leaks to their website or on twitter.

Apparently there will be a public event to sort it all out on Saturday 23rd February in Belmont Park.

For all this fuss, it better be worth it.

Environment Secretary's statement on horse meat

Authored by Marc Astley
Posted: Sat, 02/09/2013 - 9:03am

Environment Secretary Owen Paterson said investigations into how beef products had been contaminated with horsemeat were ongoing but "the evidence so far suggests... it's either criminal activity or gross negligence".

In a statement on the DEFRA website, he said: “I completely understand why people are so concerned about this issue. It’s totally unacceptable that people have been sold something that is not what they think it is.

“Investigations are going on across Europe, and the evidence so far suggests that it’s either criminal activity or...

Chiefs suffer second half Shark attack away from home

Exeter Chiefs were the victims of a second half Shark attack as Mark Cueto’s record-breaking try helped to re-ignite Sale’s fight for survival in the Aviva Premiership (Sharks 21 - Chiefs 16).

The England international has for years been regarded as one of Sale’s favourite rugby sons. However, tonight he wrote his name not only into club folklore, but also the history of the top flight as his 76th touchdown took him to the top of the tree.

Already level on 75 tries with Steve Hanley – another of Sale’s all-time deadly finishers – the 33-year-old’s decisive score not only...

Aviary net at Living Coasts gets a makeover

Authored by Paigntonzoo
Posted: Fri, 02/08/2013 - 3:44pm

One of the iconic structures of the English Riviera is getting an overhaul. Work is being carried out on the vast aviary net at Living Coasts.

Clare Rugg, Living Coasts Operations Manager, said: “We are starting a rolling programme to replace sections of the net over the next 10 years, until all the panels are done.

“Living Coasts is in a great spot right beside the sea, but it does mean we have to face storms head on! The net has stood up well to the elements - not just the rain, wind and cold but also the unseen threat of ultra violet rays from the sun which can weaken...

Wynstream Primary is ‘outstanding’ in every respect

Pupils at Wynstream Primary display exemplary attitudes to lessons and make excellent progress because of the outstanding climate for learning throughout the school, according to education inspectors.

And in a remarkable accolade, they say every aspect of life at Wynstream is now outstanding.

Six years ago the Wonford school was judged as inadequate and just 18 months ago it was classed as satisfactory.

Now inspectors say Wynstream is delivering an outstanding education for its pupils with every element of school life deserving of their highest possible rating....

Ide villagers celebrate new Community Shop

Twelve months ago, the villagers of Ide, near Exeter, embarked on the seemingly impossible task of relocating their community shop.

The original shop opened in 2009 on a temporary site within a Portakabin in the village car park. Understandably, the council wanted the car parking spaces back. Eventually, after nearly two years, suitable premises were identified and £175,000 was raised, enabling the premises to be purchased and transformed from an old warehouse into a stylish and spacious new shop and post office.

Local builders and locally sourced timber were used in the...

BBC announces plans for more Expert Women events

Acting BBC Director-General Tim Davie has announced plans to launch more free training days for women who have specialist or expert knowledge and who want to share it in TV and radio interviews and reports.

Following the success of the first ‘Expert Women Day’ that was held in London last month, four further events are now planned for Salford, Glasgow (which will host women from Northern Ireland as well), Cardiff and London, bringing the total number of women trained to 130.

The BBC Academy, working with Broadcast Magazine, recently selected 30 women with specialist...

Do You Still have passion for your business?

“There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living” Nelson Mandela

The same is very true about business – find the passion and you will find a great business. Without passion you may as well shut up shop and go home! If your passion has waned for your business, re-ignite it fast! Or be prepared for more passionate competitors to keep chipping away at your market share.

Do a little bit of research – use at the basic entry level which is free and find out from your customers whether...

Bikeability cycle training for 7,000 Devon schoolchildren

Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Fri, 02/08/2013 - 11:59am

Around 7,000 Devon schoolchildren are to benefit from Bikeability cycle training over the next year after Devon County Council’s successful bid for Government funding.

Devon County Council will receive a £280,000 grant from the Department for Transport in April to continue providing Bikeability cycle training in the county in 2013/14.

Bikeability is a national initiative offering “cycling proficiency” for the 21st century which has been adopted by Devon County Council as the cycle training standard in the county.

More than 20,000 schoolchildren in the county have...
