Persimmon first in South West to sign up for FirstBuy 2

Persimmon Homes will be the first housebuilder in Devon and Cornwall to offer prospective home buyers access to the Government’s FirstBuy 2 scheme after signing up with the Homes & Communities Agency.

Nationally, 281 of the group’s Persimmon and Charles Church developments will offer the scheme, with a possibility of further sites being added at a later date. Across the South West region at least ten of the developments will offer the scheme. Home buyers can reserve their new home using the scheme from this week for legal completions from 1st April, 2013 to 31st March, 2014....

Appeal for witnesses after man run over on A35

Traffic officers are appealing for any Devon drivers who were travelling on the A35 at Chideock Hill in Dorset in the early hours of Sunday 3rd February to come forward with information and witness reports after a 79-year-old Bridport man was run over.

The man was found on the A35 at Chideock Hill with serious injuries, which are thought to have been caused by a collision with a motor vehicle, but the motorist did not stop to assist.

Police Sergeant Jon Wren, of Dorset Police’s Traffic Unit, said: “The injuries the victim sustained are very severe and are likely to...

Star Count 2013 – Help restore serenity of dark skies

Rural campaigners and astronomers are calling on our nation’s ‘citizen scientists’ to take part in Star Count 2013 – a cosmic census which will help map light pollution across the country. Stargazers will be asked to count the number of stars they can see (with the naked eye) within the constellation of Orion. The national Star Count will take place Friday 8th February – Saturday 16th February. Everyone who joins in will have a chance to win a fantastic telescope. [1]

Emma Marrington, Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) Dark Skies Campaigner, said:...

Virtual game brings cinema collection into focus

A brand new virtual game involving a group of rebels whose quest is to regain the world of cinema from a futuristic government that has banned all films is being launched by the University of Exeter’s cinema museum.

The University’s Bill Douglas Centre, is one of the world’s leading cinema museums and through its extensive collection the virtual game rebels locate cinematic artefacts and uncover film history. The objective of the game is to bring cinema back to the people in the mythical and dysfunctional future society. It will also help users appreciate what cinema has meant to...

Pinhoe school pupils to learn about waste and recycling

School children from Pinhoe Primary School, Exeter, will be visiting their local recycling centre on Monday 11th February to find out what happens to our waste.

The group of 8 to 11 year olds will be at the award-winning Pinbrook Road Recycling Centre to learn what happens to paper, glass, cans, plastic and other recycling when it is brought into the site, where it goes and how it is made into new items.

The Centre opened in June 2011 to provide a second recycling centre in Exeter as the existing one in Marsh Barton was reaching capacity. The Pinbrook centre provides a site...

Exeter Board awards Citizens Advice Bureau £15,000

Local charity, Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau has received a Community Grant of just over £15,000 from the recently formed Exeter Board.

The money will be used to provide additional specialist advice and information services following the introduction of the Coalition Government's Welfare Reform Act.

The Bill provides for the introduction of a 'Universal Credit' to replace a range of existing means-tested benefits and tax credits for people of working age, starting from 2013.

A key measure in the Welfare Reform Act is to replace Disability Living Allowance for...

Hapless Exeter thief steals right-footed shoes

Police in Exeter are investigating a slightly bizarre theft, which was committed in the High Street overnight Monday 4th to Tuesday 5th February 2013.

A rack of shoes had been left unattended outside a High Street shoe store and by the following morning they had been stolen. However, the shoes will be of little use to the thief as they consist entirely of right footed ladies' shoes and children’s snow boots.

Officers are appealing for information from anyone who may have witnessed the theft or may know where the stolen shoes are.

A spokesperson for Devon and...

Tiverton man dies six days after collision on the A361

A 48-year-old man, now identified as Steven Tolley from Tiverton, died yesterday at Derriford Hospital following a collistion on the A361 on 29th January. Mr Tolley was working for South West Highways at the time.

Police and the Health and Safety Executive are conducting an investigation into the collision.

Officers have renewed their appeal for witnesses to the collision and would particularly like to speak to those who saw the Iveco van in the area at the time or how and where the men were working in the road.

The 43-year-old male driver of the van involved in the...

CAB calls on employers to play fair on wages

Local charity, Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau, is today calling on employers to play fair when it comes to paying staff wages, following an increase in enquiries from clients who have started new jobs but had lengthy delays in receiving their first wage packet.

Steve Barriball , Chief Executive of Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau said:

“In one example, it took an employer more than six weeks to pay the employee their first wage. Such delays are unacceptable and leave people unable to pay their bills and with no money for daily living expenses. If employers don’t resolve such...

Brewin Dolphin launch Charity of the Year at Sandy Park

Investment management company, Brewin Dolphin, based in Pynes Hill, Exeter, organised a special visit for students from the Exeter Royal Academy for Deaf Education to visit Sandy Park as part of their player sponsorship. The group of ten residential students, who travel from all over the South West and as far away as North Wales, were given the chance to meet players from the first team squad.

The Exeter Academy for Deaf Education gives deaf students from 4 to 25 years the chance to improve their potential ; academically, socially and emotionally within the South West and beyond...
