Chris Lorimer from South West Growth Service shares his advice on driving business growth with consultant support in Bitpod's latest In a Nutshell video.
“Business consultants can help bring additional expertise in areas where your business needs a boost - whether its defining the strategy, sales and marketing, operational improvement, or funding your growth. They will be able to offer a valuable alternative perspective and a good one will help you think strategically - moving you away from the detail of the day to day - and, ideally, holding you accountable for achieving long...
Llewellyn Nicholls from Rokk Media shares his advice on why a mobile website is critical in Bitpod's latest In a Nutshell video.
“Google released a major update which penalised websites which were not mobile optimised, this means that any website which is not responsive will lose ranking points” says Llewellyn.
To find out more contact Llewellyn via email at or call him on 01392 424300
For more expert advice sharing videos, visit the In a Nutshell YouTube channel
Dan Wiseman from Wiseman Media shares his tips on selling online with Shopify in Bitpod's latest In a Nutshell video.
Dan talks about how to get yourself started on Shopify and the importance of having a website that works on all devices, Dan also talks about using social media as an excellent platform to post about your products, your industry and your company culture.
To find out more contact Dan via email at or call him on 01392 581 748
For more expert advise sharing videos, visit the In a Nutshell YouTube channel:
Jacqui Cousins from Belvedere HR shares her tips on managing annual leave in Bitpod's latest In a Nutshell video.
Jacqui talks about the legal requirements that need to be taken into account when managing annual leave, how to deal with a holiday request that you need to decline and what to do when your employee leaves your business when they are still owed holiday.
To find out more contact Jacqui via email at or call her on 01392 668 659
For more expert advise sharing videos, visit the In a Nutshell YouTube channel
In the latest of Bitpod's In a Nutshell series, Karen Janas from KJ Consulting UK offers her expert advise on effective chairmanship skills.
Her video examines what makes a good chairman and how to ensure that meetings are conducted in an efficient and timely manner. 'Actions and decisions need to be clear, understood and recorded and it is the chairperson’s role to slow down discussions, and stop the meeting to clarify these actions, actioners and timings, and after the meeting to check the minutes, before they are sent out' explains Karen.
Emma Treby, Inspired to Change, shares her expert advise on using hypnotherapy to manage workplace stress.
Her video explains how stress often passes unrecognised and can be accepted as part of modern working life. 'Whilst we cannot remove stressful situations, we can control our response to them and that's where solution-focused hypnotherapy can help' explains Emma.
Emma goes on to explain how with a better understanding of how the brain works and with the assistance of hypnotherapy, we could be better equipped to cope with whatever life has to throw at us.
The latest addition to Bitpod's In a Nutshell series comes from Owen Richards from Air Marketing. He offers his expert advice on generating B2B sales using telemarketing.
Owen shares a number of tips on how to make sales calls a more enjoyable and successful experience. 'The objective of your calls should be to establish if there's a fit between what you have to offer and what your prospect needs' explains Owen.
He goes on to advise on what to consider before embarking upon you calls and the best approach to take when talking to prospects.
In the latest of Bitpod's In a Nutshell series, John Coombs from Simpkins Edwards shares his expert advice on the role of a business executor. He talks about the main duties and responsibilities of the role and, as a business owner, the importance of ensuring you have an up to date will.
'In addition to dealing with the business, an executor has many other duties such as collecting in full details of the deceased assets and liabilities, paying any inheritance tax, obtaining the grant of probate and distributing the assets as set out in the will' explains John.
Richard Palmer from Estadia Ltd, shares his expertise on telesales techniques and how to make each call both effective and fruitful. He discusses the importance of setting realistic goals before each call, building a relationship with the gatekeeper and setting efficient plans in place to follow up the call.
'Draw information out of your prospect, which will enable you to position your products or service alongside their needs. This leads to much more interest from your prospect and gives them good reason to spend more time talking to you and agreeing to your desired outcome'...
Bitpod's Alex talks about what to consider when preparing to make an expert video guide. He shares his expertise on preparing for filming, topic selection and script writing. When it comes to choosing a subject, 'Consider searching likely topics on Google or YouTube, looking at the autocomplete options below the search box, or for more advanced options you can use dedicated search analysis tools' Alex advises.
Alex talks about how effective short advice sharing videos can be for creating a head start over your competitors.