
Managing loneliness following a relationship breakdown

Taking place between the 9th and 15th of May, this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week will focus on loneliness, including its effect on our mental health and how we can all play a part in reducing loneliness in our communities.

The theme is particularly important following the pandemic when many people were isolated from loved ones and friends, with the government’s latest ‘Community Life Survey’ showing that approximately 3 million people in England feel lonely often or always.

Here, Jane Robey, the CEO of the charity National Family Mediation (NFM) which helps families...

3 ways to get the spark back in your relationship

3 ways to get the spark back in your relationship

Authored by Liv Butler
Posted: Thu, 06/24/2021 - 6:20am

In every relationship, there will be ups and downs. There will be periods with lots of intimacy, but there will also be periods with distance and separation, especially in long-term relationships. It is completely normal that a relationship can’t feel like a honeymoon for the entire time because it is inevitable to have different phases and ups and downs. In some relationships, the good periods often come naturally after a period with lots of distance, but sometimes it is necessary to put a serious effort into making the relationship work. In order to make the relationship work in the...

Forging business alliances - In a Nutshell

Authored by Bitpod
Posted: Thu, 05/12/2016 - 8:29am

Oliver Dax from Monkey's Paw Consultancy, shares his expert advice on how to go about forging effective business alliances. He discusses the importance of building strong business relationships and how, despite not costing anything to do so, these relationships, if managed well, can be incredibly lucrative.

'Creating a habit of feeding alliances so that they feed you back is an excellent way to generate high return, zero cost business' says Oliver.

To find out more contact Oliver via email at or call him on 07745 659898


Social media 'wrecking' marriages

Just under half of all Brits admit they have secretly checked their partner’s Facebook account and one in five went on to row about what they discovered, new research has revealed.

One in seven said they had contemplated divorce because of their other halves activities on Facebook, Skype, Snapchat, Twitter or What’sApp.

Nearly a quarter or the 2,000 married Brits asked, said they had at least one argument a week with their partner because of social media use and 17 per cent said they rowed every day because of it.

The most common reasons for checking their partner’s...

Are you prepared for Red Tuesday?

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Mon, 02/09/2015 - 10:45am

‘Red Tuesday’ is the top dumping day of the year, just four days before Valentine’s Day, according to new research released by, the UK’s top dating website.

3,000 people were surveyed on Illicit Encounters and one in five - 22% - had broken up with someone the week before Valentine’s Day.

Dumping someone electronically is also rising in popularity with 7.5 in 10 people breaking up with someone over their phone.

The top six ways people chose to dump their partners were:

  • By text
  • By phone call
  • In person
  • ...

6 Ways You Know Your Relationship is Over

#1 – You Want Different Things

Everybody wants different things out of life. A lot of relationships come to a natural end when two people realise they are at a crossroads – and moving in totally separate directions. Is your partner about to leave for a job or university course hundreds of miles away? Do they want children when you don’t? The pain comes when you try to pretend the crossroads isn’t there. Sometimes you have to make a hard decision about your relationship. People grow apart, and that’s okay.

#2 – You Don’t Talk

Communication is the foundation of a...

6 Relationship Myths That Need Busting

Myth #1 – They Have the Same Interests

Even though sharing some interests can be fantastic, most relationships flourish only when there is some activity that you enjoy, which your partner might not. Spending time apart is almost as important as spending time together, for a thriving relationship. Having separate interests could also allow you and your partner to teach each other new and interesting things. If you feel that you have nothing in common with your companion, you should consider doing something together on a regular basis, such as a weekly trip to a museum or a cooking...

Southwesterners sex life ' status update': It's complicated

South west lovers are allowing technology to get in the way of their relationships and sex lives – a Durex survey reveals.

Durex is celebrating annual event, Earth Hour, by encouraging people to not only turn off all lights today but to also switch off their tech, and use the opportunity to reconnect with each other whilst the lights are off.

Earth Hour is an annual event organised by charity, WWF to encourage people around the world to turn off their lights for one hour to celebrate their commitment to the planet.

According to the recent Durex poll it seems a...

7 Most Common Causes of Stress

#1 – Work

A person’s job is often a constant source of stress in his/her life. People worry about many work related things such as being replaced, the company closing down or letting employees go, getting passed over for a promotion, pay cuts, etc. There is also the stress caused by taking on additional responsibilities. Even though work-related stress can be brought on by others, people often put more pressure on themselves.

#2 – Financial Stress

A large number of studies have shown that finances are the leading cause of stress in most people. Financial stress...

5 Tips For Bar Scene Success

Did you spent Valentine's on your lonesome? Maybe these tips for bar scene success will help for next year..

#1 – First Impressions Last a Long Time

When you’re in a social setting such as a bar – you are in a setting where you are under more scrutiny because people are checking you out. These days it’s not uncommon to find both sexes noticing you. So, whether you are there for a date or for friendship, make sure you watch your attitude. Engage in positive conversation and never let the “demon rum” take over and lead you into spilling the beans about your last relationship...
