
Exeter’s ‘Row for the Ocean’ team unveils its newly-wrapped boat

Local businesses and jazz trio pledge to drum up funds as Exeter’s ‘Row for the Ocean’ team unveils its newly-wrapped boat

Welcome drinks, canapes, raffle prizes, a charity auction and a boat unveiling, accompanied by live music from the Ronnie Jones Trio, will make for a fun-filled evening at Exeter’s The Terrace next Thursday to raise funds for Devon’s Row for the Ocean team.

With less than 100 days to go until their 3,000-mile row across the Atlantic against single-use plastic, Kirsty Barker, Rosalind Holsgrove-West, Kate Salmon, and Laura Try are organising a free night...

Student wins South West Growers Show sponsored scholarship

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Tue, 09/11/2018 - 7:14am

Student, Luke Spiller from Sidbury in Devon, has won a South West Growers Show (SWGS) Sponsored Scholarship as part of the David Colegrave Foundation (DCF) scholarship season.

Luke, who has just completed a Level 2 Horticulture course at Bicton College in Devon, has received the £1,500 South West Growers Show (SWGS) Sponsored Scholarship. Luke was top practical student on his course as well as being a nursery worker and gardener. He is now continuing his studies at Pershore College in Worcester, where he will complete Level 3 in Horticulture. His funding will help with...

New skate park for Exeter will be ready by Christmas

Work has begun on a new skate park for Exeter. Diggers moved on to the site at Arena Park today and the new facility is expected to be ready by Christmas. Temporary equipment installed last November has now been removed ready for the work to begin and the site secured and fenced off to the public. The design of the park has been chosen by a group of local pro skaters working to a design brief heavily influenced by the local skating community. Exeter City Council recently appointed Maverick Industries to build the skate park. Designs show a range of features popular with skaters including...

Carols in the Cathedral

Event Date: 
11/12/2018 - 7:30pm to 12/12/2018 - 7:30pm
Exeter Cathedral

Tuesday 11 December* and Wednesday 12 December 2018 7.30 pm

EPC will be joined by the wonderful Chaconne Brass and soprano Milly Forrest www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/08/15/cloakroom-girl-wows-opera-critics-standing-soprano-last-minute/ Tickets online at www.exephil.org.uk by telephone from EPC tickets 01392 278168 at the box office Exeter Visitor Information Centre and Tickets, Dix’s Field 01392 665885

£12 £15 £20 £47*(Supper Club)

Retiring collection in support of St. Petrock's (Exeter)

Behind the curtain: ELTC suits up for The Dresser...

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Sun, 09/09/2018 - 11:16am

It’s wartime, but the show must go on as Exeter Little Theatre Company (ELTC) brings the curtain up on one of theatre’s modern classics.

ELTC return to Exeter’s Barnfield Theatre this September to bring to life Ronald Harwood’s The Dresser, which captures the drama and relationships behind the scenes of a touring theatre company during World War II.

Taking centre stage is Sir (David Gunn-Johnson), the last of the great, but dying breed of English actor-mangers. However, when he arrives at the theatre in a bad shape and unsure what play his company are performing, or his...

Ordinary people wanted for Princetown-based Ice Warrior’s Polar Expedition

Authored by Lucy
Posted: Sat, 09/08/2018 - 12:16pm

Have you ever considered being part of a polar expedition? A world first polar expedition and one that is hugely purposeful and worthwhile? Probably not.

Well this is your chance!

Explorer, Jim McNeill, is looking for ordinary people, novices, from all walks of life and echelons of society to train to become modern-day explorers and join a team to reach The Northern Pole of Inaccessibility.

This is a significant place on the planet which has yet to be reached by humankind and therefore stands as the last real world first to be accomplished in the Polar Regions. It...

Long-standing member of Exeter School staff retires after 42 years

Exeter School said farewell to a much loved and respected member of staff at the end of the summer term.

Director of Alumni Relations, John Davidson, retired in August after 42 years of outstanding service to the school.

Headmaster Bob Griffin paid tribute to John by saying there were few areas of school life to which he had not contributed.

"He was an inspirational Head of Geography for 19 years, and he led the RAF Section of the CCF for seven years, as well as running Adventure Training eight times.

"A caring pastoral teacher, he founded and led Townsend...

Digging prehistory on Dartmoor

Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Fri, 09/07/2018 - 12:24pm

A team of Dartmoor National Park archaeologists and local volunteers are currently carrying out an excavation on a prehistoric site, near Haytor. The site at Holwell Tor, consists of an isolated Middle Bronze Age (around 1,500 BC) hut circle and two reaves (prehistoric boundaries). The first objective of the excavation is to investigate the function of the building; its isolation makes it unusual, so the team will try and determine whether it was a dwelling, a byre for animals, a store, workshop or something else entirely. They have now exposed the walls of the building and are already...

Devon supporters raise a glass for Send a Cow’s 30th anniversary

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Fri, 09/07/2018 - 11:15am

Last night (6 September) over one hundred guests across Devon came together to celebrate Send a Cow’s 30th anniversary at a special drinks reception at Windout Barn near Exeter. Guests gathered to hear the impact of the charity’s work with farming families in sub-Saharan Africa over the last three decades, and to celebrate the fact that over two million people have been lifted out of poverty. Jenny Reynolds, one of the organisation’s ambassadors, introduced the speakers for the evening expressing her passionate belief in Send a Cow’s ability to “help people help themselves out of poverty...

Exeter Little Theatre Company present The Dresser

Event Date: 
18/09/2018 - 7:30pm to 22/09/2018 - 7:30pm
Barnfield Theatre, Exeter

ELTC return to Exeter’s Barnfield Theatre this September to bring to life Ronald Harwood’s The Dresser, which captures the drama and relationships behind the scenes of a touring theatre company during World War II.

Taking centre stage is Sir (David Gunn-Johnson), the last of the great, but dying breed of English actor-mangers. However, when he arrives at the theatre in a bad shape and unsure what play his company are performing, or his lines, he must rely on his trusted dresser Norman (Dave Hill) and fellow actors to get him on stage.

Amid the roaring air sirens and...
