
Volunteer open day at Knightshayes Court

Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Tue, 04/03/2018 - 10:31am

Can you spare a few hours a week? Are you looking for some work experience or want to meet new friends from all walks of life? If so, mark Saturday 21 April in your diary as Knightshayes Court is holding an open day for people who are interested in becoming a volunteer. From lending a hand in the garden, to caring for our precious collections, there's plenty of different ways to get involved. The 262 acre estate on the outskirts of Tiverton is reliant on over 200 volunteers to help look after it and open its doors to the public on a daily basis. Alice Morgan-Brown, who co-ordinates the...

Trolley Shop profits buy equipment for RD&E wards

Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Tue, 04/03/2018 - 10:10am

Patients across the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital are benefitting from new pieces of equipment thanks to a £4,000 donation from the Trolley Shop.

The not-for-profit enterprise is run completely by volunteers and offers patients a range of refreshments, toiletries and stationery during its daily ward rounds. Any proceeds made by the Trolley Shop are put into a fund, and once a year, every ward in the hospital is given the opportunity to apply for support from it. The Trolley Shop Volunteers Committee then decides how the money will be distributed.

This year’s fund has been...

Review: Bistro Du Vin, Exeter

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Mon, 04/02/2018 - 12:48pm

I was delighted to be asked to write a review of the new Spring Menu for the Bistro du Vin at the Hotel du Vin in Exeter.

I had only visited the hotel on one occasion for drinks and was pleasantly surprised by the light and airy bistro setting with views over the gardens.

The sun put in an appearance for our visit and as we sat by the large windows we were bathed in sunshine which added to the whole experience.

We were warmly welcomed at the hotel and were informed that in the next 12 months the whole hotel would be undergoing a major refurbishment in line with all...

Seaton photography competition launches

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Mon, 04/02/2018 - 11:42am

Budding photographers of all ages are invited to enter their best photographs of Seaton Devon, into Snap Seaton a brand new competition launched by Seaton Town Council.

The Snap Seaton photography competition is inviting adults and children to send their best shots of the beautiful seaside town, its beach, attractions and surrounding areas. The winning photos in the child and adult categories will be made into postcards that will be available throughout the summer.

Seaton Mayor and Town Councillor Jack Rowland, says, “We want to celebrate Seaton and the creative people who...

1 in 6 not registered to vote in South West

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Sun, 04/01/2018 - 3:47pm

The Electoral Commission estimates that 16% of people are not registered to vote in the South West, as Exeter and Plymouth get set to go to the polls on 3 May.

The Commission’s brand new campaign “Got 5?” is encouraging people across the South West to register online at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote before the 17 April deadline if they have local elections in their area.

It’s estimated between 540,000 and 689,000 aren’t registered to vote in the region.

The campaign is particularly targeted at people under 34, recent home movers and private renters who are less likely...

Choral Society Concert: Highlight of Exeter School's musical year

The annual Exeter School Choral Society concert held at Exeter Cathedral on Thursday 15 March was once again a highlight of the musical year, drawing together pupils, parents, staff, alumni and guests from the school's community.

The concert opened with Middle School Choir singing Howard Goodall's arrangement of 'The Lord is My Shepherd', best known as the theme tune from The Vicar of Dibley. The purity of their voices combined with their close attention to Mrs Guthrie's direction meant that the main chorus had to aim high and concentrate hard to meet this level of performance when...

Devon chosen as UK headquarters for recruitment firm

A successful Australian recruitment entrepreneur has chosen Devon as the UK headquarters for his expanding business.

Tom Murphy launched Aptus Personnel in Melbourne in 2010 and quickly grew the company to a team of 12.

After a period based at Sowton Industrial Estate on the edge of Exeter, he has now opened the company’s UK office in Dix’s Field, Exeter, and says he wants to take a fresh approach to doing business.

Aptus UK provides a range of services across all sectors including accounting and finance, IT and digital and the life sciences sectors.


App-assisted 60-minute walk launched in Exeter

Authored by jontyh1234
Posted: Thu, 03/29/2018 - 7:33am

A new activity is hitting the streets of Exeter this week with the launch of the Tramble App, a 60-minute walking challenge where you answer 10 questions based on what you see along the route.

There are currently two of the Tramble walks in Exeter with more to follow in the summer.

I went out and did the Exeter Cathedral and Quay Tramble and saw a few parts of hidden Exeter that I have always somehow missed before. There is the House that Moved and a famous literary connection I was dumbfounded by.

If you are the curious type that likes to walk, see things you have...

Donkey ‘therapy’ helps autistic young adult tune into the world around her

Authored by NewsDesk
Posted: Wed, 03/28/2018 - 8:08pm

Emily is autistic and has very limited vision and hearing, making communication difficult for her, but The Donkey Sanctuary and a miniature donkey named Juniper have helped her make a connection into the world around her. 23-year-old Emily from Exeter often struggles to control her emotions and can at times become very distressed and confused, but since coming to The Donkey Sanctuary headquarters in Sidmouth, Emily has learnt that donkeys are more than just adorably long ears, soft furry noses and charming characters; donkeys matter and can help with the development of critical life skills...

Julius Caesar

Event Date: 
23/05/2018 - 7:30pm
Cygnet Theatre

‘Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war’ The Actor’s Wheel return with a contemporary and striking production of Shakespeare’s searing political thriller. Caesar returns in triumph to Rome and the people take to the streets. But not all the voices of the city are raised in celebration. Fearing the rise of tyranny, what should the honourable citizen do? Shakespeare’s searing political thriller asks, if violence can ever be justified in opposing tyranny? What does freedom cost?

