How to Find the Perfect Car for You

Authored by David Banks
Posted: Thu, 04/16/2020 - 12:50pm

If you’re saving more money during this crisis by not going to the pub every night or by not spending your weekends going out for food, then you may be thinking about your next big purchase, a car.

However, before jumping into any major decisions, there are a few things to consider that’ll help you make the right choice in purchasing the car that’s best suited to your needs and style. Here are five major things to think about before taking the leap:

  1. Your Budget

The budget of the car itself is of course important, whether you’re paying for a car...

Big rise in children applying for a primary school place in Devon

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Thu, 04/16/2020 - 12:45pm

There has been a big increase in the number of Devon families applying for a primary school place this September.

Figures published today (Thursday 16 April) reveal that 7,580 applications were made across the county. That's 310 more than last year.

Despite the big jump in numbers, 98.3 per cent of families have been offered a place at one of their three preferred schools.

The new figures show that 94.6 per cent of the families who applied to Devon County Council for a place in a county primary have got their first preference.

Altogether, 2.9 per cent...

Wear Your Pyjamas To Work Day

FORCE Cancer Charity has designated Thursday April 16 Wear Your Pyjamas To Work Day.

The idea is to lift the spirits of its supporters and help FORCE maintain the services it is offering while the country is in lockdown and beyond.

Wear Your Pyjamas To Work Day is the brainchild of FORCE Fundraising Development Officer Olly Watts.

He explained: “It’s all about having fun while raising awareness and making a small donation to FORCE.

“Whether you work or you're retired, why not wear your PJs for the day. Or if you were planning to spend the day in your PJs...

Research to investigate impact of COVID-19 pandemic on family carers 

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Thu, 04/16/2020 - 10:34am

The experience of family carers during the COVID-19 pandemic will be explored in a series of weekly interviews conducted over the next 3 months.

The “Caring through Coronavirus” study will seek to understand how family carers are coping during the pandemic and explore whether changes in policy, legislation, and health and social care provision are impacting their wellbeing and caring responsibilities. Nearly nine million Britons provide unpaid care for family members and friends with long-term illnesses and disabilities, including those most vulnerable to the virus. Many carers...

McClure Solicitors are still raising lots of money for Charity!

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Thu, 04/16/2020 - 9:36am

As lots of businesses and services have come to a standstill, McClure Solicitors saw this coming and prepared for action. They would normally be seeing over 800 clients for face-to-face appointments per month but with the Government’s advice to stay at home that is exactly what their staff has done – gone home armed with laptops and mobile phones. Andrew Robertson, Managing Director of McClure says “We are worried like everyone else about the immediate future, but we still have clients who want to talk to us so we decided we would continue to operate as best as we could with the majority...

Neighbours should report suspected domestic violence to police as attacks spiral during lockdown, new report urges

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Wed, 04/15/2020 - 9:32pm

The Centre for Social Justice has issued a new report urging all Britons to watch out for signs of domestic abuse among their neighbours in the wake of a sharp rise in attacks during lockdown. The report, Domestic Abuse and the Lockdown , warns that just as the Government has taken lockdown measures to contain the Covid-19 outbreak, traditional lifelines for vulnerable women, such as GP surgeries, churches, and hairdressers are becoming inaccessible. These are common places for victims to tell others their harrowing stories. Another key issue is the increasing diversion of police time and...

Persimmon launches COVID-19 volunteer scheme

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Wed, 04/15/2020 - 8:09pm

Leading housebuilder Persimmon Homes has today announced a “volunteer army” to help the NHS and local communities during the Covid-19 crisis.

The business has encouraged hundreds of staff to register for the Persimmon Voluntary Programme to help the country through the difficult weeks ahead.

In order to protect the health of its employees, Persimmon has taken the decision to undertake an orderly shut-down of work and temporarily close its sales offices across the country.

All Persimmon staff currently not working their usual pattern remain on full pay. It is...

How To Fix Common Household Problems

It's quite common for items to get broken or worn down over the years. There will be a time for every part of the house to get fixed or replaced. It would be great if you knew how to fix some of these problems easily and save some money in the process, but there is nothing wrong with hiring someone to come fix them for you.

Here are some of the common household problems and how you can fix them yourself properly.

Taking Care Of Rusty Sinks

We've all experienced some rust all over our stainless-steel sinks over the years, but there is a nice and quick fix for it. You...

Public appeal to help development of COVID-19 antibody test

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Tue, 04/14/2020 - 10:35pm

Offering their support to the Government and NHS to help get the nation tested for coronavirus, a leading health and wellness company has made a breakthrough in its development of a COVID-19 IgG antibody test and is seeking more blood samples to expedite the validation of this test.

YorkTest Laboratories, who has 38 years scientific expertise in the development and provision of home to laboratory finger-prick blood testing services, is using their expertise in IgG testing and existing laboratory facilities to develop a COVID-19 IgG antibody test as a priority for both healthcare...

Connecting with nature during isolation

As part of their Culture + Climate programme 2020, THG has teamed up with East Devon AONB to share NATURE SHORTS: an online series showcasing art practices which inspire, build creativity and deepen our connection with nature.

NATURE SHORTS explores how we can connect with nature during isolation, sharing different artistic approaches to land and space. The highlighted artists work across a range of materials and processes including land art, photography, printmaking and performance.

THG Curator, Ruth Gooding, explained “As we move our public programme into the digital...
