
Can you help track down stolen painting?

Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Thu, 12/18/2014 - 10:19am

Police are investigating a theft of an original Caroline Shotton painting from Castle Gallery in Exeter's Cathedral Yard on Saturday 13 December.

This was an original painting valued at £1,250 and was glazed in a white frame, approximately 40cm X 40cm in size, although it may have been removed from the frame or reframed.

If anyone recognises this picture, has bought it recently or seen it advertised for sale in any way, please contact the police on 101 quoting crime reference CR/130108/14, or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Uni a 'world leader' in research

Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Thu, 12/18/2014 - 10:04am

82% of Exeter’s research has been rated as world-leading or internationally excellent in the Research Excellence Framework (REF2014).

This is the first national evaluation of research quality in the UK since 2008 and looked at the economic and societal impact of research for the very first time. Exeter has made a huge rise since 2008 (from 56% to 82% world-leading/internationally excellent research) and now ranks first in the South West (BBC region), equal 19th nationally and 18th in the Russell Group on this measure. Exeter performed extremely well in humanities and social...

Local groups urged to apply for funding

Authored by LauraHew
Posted: Wed, 12/17/2014 - 11:42pm

Devon Community Foundation is encouraging local groups and organisations who have great ideas to make their communities an even better place to live, to apply for funding to turn their ideas into reality.

The charity is supporting groups to apply to a funding programme Active Communities launched by the People’s Health Trust for the South West. The funding programme is aimed at local people and groups wanting to create fairer places to grow, live, work and age.

Using money raised by HealthContact through The Health Lottery, People’s Health Trust is looking to invest in...

Green light for new pool

A new swimming pool and leisure centre for Exeter took a step closer last night (Tuesday 16 December) with the approval of £19.4 million to cover the cost of the project.

The funds were signed off at a meeting of Exeter City Council and along with the appointment of a design company due to be announced soon, represents real momentum as the project drives forward alongside the Bus Station redevelopment by Crown Estates and TIAA Henderson Real Estate.

Council Leader Pete Edwards said that getting the financial commitment was a landmark in the delivery of the project....

Devon Waste Plan adopted and online

The adopted Devon Waste Plan is now available online.

Devon County Council approved the adoption of the Plan at last week’s Full Council meeting, and it now forms part of the development plan for Devon to 2031.

Its adoption follows the examination hearings into the Devon Waste Plan and the receipt of the Inspector’s Report earlier this year.

The new Devon Waste Plan now provides the policy framework for waste management proposals, and the waste implications of other development, in the county over the next 16 years. It sets out measures to ensure that the proportion...

Good Schools Guide awards for Exeter School

The co-educational independent school for pupils aged 7-18 is winner of the 2013 Good Schools Guide Award for Excellence for Boys taking AS Level Physics and the 2013 Good Schools Guide Award for Excellence for Girls taking AS Level World Development.

This is the sixth year in a row that Exeter School has received an award for excellence in Science and the fifth award for World Development.

Every year, the Good Schools Guide gives awards to schools to celebrate teaching excellence in individual subjects, basing these awards on WOW Factor calculations which are a combination...

RWC2015 volunteer try outs conclude in Twickenham

The final leg of the Rugby World Cup 2015 volunteer selection events, the Try Outs, concluded in Twickenham yesterday following six months on the road.

The search for the 6,000 volunteers who will make up The Pack launched in February 2014 and England Rugby 2015 was delighted to receive over 20,000 applications. Over 10,000 applicants have since been part of the Try Outs with events held in every Rugby World Cup 2015 Host City. The search for The Pack has spanned 1,320 miles, across 13 venues and included over 3,333 hours of interviews. Prospective volunteers have ranged from age...

Unemployment in Devon continues to fall

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Wed, 12/17/2014 - 2:49pm

The number of Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) claimants in Devon has fallen again in November, in line with the national trend to the lowest figure on record.

Total claimants now stand at 4,019, representing 99 fewer claimants than in October (a 2.5% fall month on month).

The fall is slightly less than for the UK as a whole, which experienced a 4.7% drop between October and November. However, as a proportion of the working age population Devon’s JSA rate is far lower at 0.9% compared with the UK rate at 2.1%.

At a district level, JSA claimant numbers fell for half of...

Elderly man seriously assaulted in Exminster

Police in Teignbridge are appealing for witnesses to a serious assault on an elderly man in Exminster on Thursday 11 December between 6.15pm and 7pm.

It appears that the victim was approached by a man or group of men who asked him what was in his shopping bag before assaulting him and stealing money from the victim. One of the suspects is described as having a blue tattoo on his hand or forearm.

Sergeant Mark Ruston, Neighbourhood Sergeant for the area said: "The exact circumstances of this assault currently remains unclear as the victim remains in hospital. It is very...

Bishop of Exeter 'thrilled' at appointment of first woman bishop

Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Wed, 12/17/2014 - 12:34pm

THE Bishop of Exeter, the Rt Revd Robert Atwell, said today he was thrilled by the appointment of Revd Libby Lane as the Bishop of Stockport, his previous role.

Bishop Robert left Stockport last year to become the Bishop of Exeter.

He said: “This is a great day for the Church of England. I am thrilled to bits for Libby personally and for the diocese of Chester and for the people of Stockport.”

Bishop Robert worked closely with Libby, who is vicar of Hale with Ashley and also Dean of Women in Ministry for the diocese of Chester.
