
Generating B2B sales using telemarketing #InaNutshell

Authored by Bitpod
Posted: Mon, 07/11/2016 - 10:29am

The latest addition to Bitpod's In a Nutshell series comes from Owen Richards from Air Marketing. He offers his expert advice on generating B2B sales using telemarketing.

Owen shares a number of tips on how to make sales calls a more enjoyable and successful experience. 'The objective of your calls should be to establish if there's a fit between what you have to offer and what your prospect needs' explains Owen.

He goes on to advise on what to consider before embarking upon you calls and the best approach to take when talking to prospects.

To find out more contact...

Retirement planning for business owners #InaNutshell

Authored by Bitpod
Posted: Fri, 07/01/2016 - 7:47am

Andrew Neligan from Neligan Financial talks about the importance of retirement planning for business owners in this latest addition to the In a Nutshell series.

In this two minute video, he talks about how more than a third of SME owners aged 65 still do not know when they will retire and nearly 30% expect to struggle in retirement. 'With pre-planning and taking some simple actions you can be confident of a retirement full of experiences and without money worries' says Andrew.

To find out more contact Andrew via email at or call him on 01395...

Inbound Marketing Success #InaNutshell

Authored by Bitpod
Posted: Thu, 06/30/2016 - 7:28am

Andrew Walker from Rame Marketing talks about the impact that successful Inbound Marketing could have your business or organisation. He discusses how it can provide cost effective, sustainable solutions that traditional marketing may not be able to and reveals a case study that demonstrates it's effectiveness for a local SME.

'Inbound marketing is the smart approach to marketing', says Andrew, 'It works 24/7, it has longevity, it's cheaper than traditional marketing and it doesn't interrupt your audience when they're not ready to buy'.

To find out more contact Andrew via...

Understanding and managing human error #InaNutshell

Authored by Bitpod
Posted: Sun, 06/26/2016 - 3:04pm

The latest In a Nutshell video comes from John Baker, Silver Moor Consultancy who shares his expert advice on how to understand and manage human error in the workplace.

He talks about how mistakes provide a real opportunity to learn and improve your business. 'A common response to an error is to sanction the person in some way; either through formal discipline, or by sending them for remedial training. Whilst this may be emotionally satisfying for their manager, ultimately it is futile', says John.

John goes on to explain the three areas that need exploring when effectively...

How to be healthy sitting at your desk #InaNutshell

Authored by Bitpod
Posted: Wed, 06/22/2016 - 9:46am

In this very informative In a Nutshell video, Adrian Walker shares his advice on how to remain fit and healthy when we spend so much time sitting at our desks.

He discusses the alarming impact that a sedentary lifestyle can have on our health and offers simple solutions to reduce the damage that can be caused by prolonged sitting during our working days.

Adrian comments that 'the advantages of getting this right are huge and in addition to benefiting our general health we can improve productivity and reduce the costs of absenteeism'.

To find out more, contact Adrian...

Perfecting your content strategy - In a Nutshell

Authored by Bitpod
Posted: Fri, 06/10/2016 - 5:09pm

The latest In a Nutshell video comes from Hannah Ackford, Consume Digital who shares her expert advice on how best to perfect your online content strategy.

She talks about how content plays a huge part in our online digital strategy and how it's impact should never be underestimated.

'Creating high quality content will help you to showcase your business as knowledge leaders and reinforce your brand values', says Hannah.

To find out more contact Hannah via email at or call her on 07909332915

For more expert advise sharing videos,...

Mortgages made easy - In a Nutshell

Authored by Bitpod
Posted: Mon, 05/30/2016 - 12:08pm

John Allen from Team Financial Services Ltd makes mortgages easy with this recent addition to the In a Nutshell series. As well as offering his invaluable advice on what to consider when applying for a mortgage, he adds a new spin to the series with a cash prop!

John talks about his 'five second mortgage' method which focusses on five simple questions to consider when putting forward a mortgage application.

'Company directors with over 25% shareholding are classed by the majority of lenders as self-employed', he explains.

To find out more contact John on 01392...

The role of a business executor - In a Nutshell

Authored by Bitpod
Posted: Wed, 05/25/2016 - 5:36am

In the latest of Bitpod's In a Nutshell series, John Coombs from Simpkins Edwards shares his expert advice on the role of a business executor. He talks about the main duties and responsibilities of the role and, as a business owner, the importance of ensuring you have an up to date will.

'In addition to dealing with the business, an executor has many other duties such as collecting in full details of the deceased assets and liabilities, paying any inheritance tax, obtaining the grant of probate and distributing the assets as set out in the will' explains John.

To find out...

Exeter apprentice runs the show at dance studio

Apprentice Lily Woodworth has won the ‘Apprentice of the Month’ award from local apprenticeship provider Skills Group. Lily started as an apprentice with Exeter-based DanSci Dance Studio and has recently been promoted to Studio Manager, while simultaneously showing outstanding commitment to her apprenticeship. Lily, 20 and from Heavitree, is currently undertaking an apprenticeship in Customer Services with DanSci, having previously studied A Levels at college before realising full-time education no longer suited her. After speaking to Careers South West, Lily made contact with Skills Group...

How to deal with a social media crisis - In a Nutshell

Authored by Bitpod
Posted: Fri, 04/29/2016 - 9:03am

In the latest of the In a Nutshell series, Dan Pritchard from Astley Media talks about how to effectively handle a social media crisis. He shares his top five tips on coping with a negative incident online to avoid a potential catastrophe for your company.

'Be real - communicate with honesty. Don't abandon your values. Don’t get personal and don’t be defensive.' says Dan.

Dan's informative video guides us through how to react to negative social media attention with clarity and confidence.

To find out more contact Dan via email at or call him...
