Older patients have higher expectations and are more satisfied with healthcare

New research on patients' experiences of health services and how these relate to their expectations and satisfaction, published by the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, reveals that older people have higher expectations of their care and that they believe that their expectations are being met.

The research questions prevailing stereotypes that characterise older patients as being satisfied with their care because their expectations are lower.

Patients visiting their GP and hospital outpatient departments were surveyed before and after their consultations. They were...

Exciting and original technologies made freely available by University

The University of Exeter has joined Easy Access IP, which promotes new ways of sharing intellectual property (IP). The University will be making selected intellectual property – patents, copyright, designs and know-how – available free to businesses which are willing to use it to develop products and services which benefit society and the economy. Some early-stage IP is too risky to attract investment from companies. By offering free and easy access to this, companies have the opportunity to evaluate the potential and possibilities with reduced risk. Companies can access the IP on an...

Imagination is a wonderful thing sometimes!

Most of our fears are magnified by our imagination, in the dentist waiting room, fear of flying even dreading doing those jobs you do not wish to do such as your tax return. Mostly, fortunately, the reality is not as bad as our imagination had made us expect. Another factor is fear of the unknown, and this is particularly relevant it appears from the responses I have had to recent articles, on the subject of funding care costs and who to ask for advice. As a result of these enquires I thought it may be useful to give some answers to the most common questions asked.

Regarding who to...

New Government mortgage schemes will increase property prices

Exeter’s most entrepreneurial independent mortgage and insurance services firm, Cooper Associates, is delivering its Spring house price forecast, with warnings that the Government’s latest schemes are fraught with dangers. Cooper Associates predicts the housing market in the South West will not get much easier in 2013 and consumer confidence is likely to remain subdued. Samantha Cooper, Managing Director, comments, “We believe the long-term recovery of the housing market will not be achieved by the Chancellor’s recent announcement of the ‘Help to Buy’ scheme. It will potentially lead to...

Have you had a special delivery from the stork?

If you have had a recent addition to your family, we would love to hear from you. All you have to do is be registered on the site - it's free and easy to do (click here to find out how) - and then click the 'add story' button on the home page. Include as much detail as you would like and if possible add a photo of your new arrival.

Final run-in excites Exeter Chiefs' Chris Whitehead

Hooker Chris Whitehead believes having sampled the delights of the Heineken Cup this season, Exeter Chiefs are desperate to make sure they are lining up alongside Europe's elite clubs again next season. With just three league games remaining for the Devon outfit, the race to be amongst the top six in this season's Aviva Premiership is hotting up nicely. The Chiefs - alongside Gloucester, Bath and London Wasps - occupy the four next-best berths outside of the play-off zone and Whitehead says the challenge over the final weeks of another highly competitive campaign is to ensure nothing is...

Reconstruction work on A375 begins

Essential reconstruction work will start on the A375 at Sidbury Hill 8 April.

A section of the road, between Sidbury and the Hare and Hounds at Putts Corner, will be closed from Monday 8 April to Friday 10 May for reconstruction, resurfacing and drainage. A crash barrier will also be installed along a stretch overlooking the valley.

The road was initially closed last September to enable work to start on major drainage improvements and edge support work after two landslips had occurred on a different section of the road.

The Council says that every effort will be...

Exeter: the South West’s most sustainable city

The Exeter Chamber of Commerce’s April Networking lunch will be held at The Rougemont Hotel By Thistle, taking place on Wednesday 17 April 2013. The theme of this lunch is ‘Exeter: the South West’s most sustainable city’.

The lunch will bring together the intellect behind Exeter Chamber’s most sustainable businesses to one place. The event will give 100+ businesses the opportunity to ask John Rigby (Chairman of the Low Carbon Task Force), Adam Fox-Edwards (MD of the illustrious Arundell Arms and winner of the 2012 DEBI sustainable business award) and Ewan McClymont (Director of...

Writing a press release made simple

One question we are always asked here at Astley Media HQ is ‘How do I write a press release?’ It can be a daunting task and often it’s best left to the professionals but follow our simple 8-point guide and you won’t go far wrong:

1) Be honest with yourself about whether whatever it is you want to write about is interesting enough. That may sound obvious but a lot of press releases fall at the first hurdle because they are boring or are nothing more than a plug for a business or product. Use the ‘pub test’. If someone told you what you are planning to put in your release, would it...

Adam Isaac's new charity single to highlight experiences of young homeless people

Devon singer and TV Star from The Voice , Adam Isaac, has released a charity single which seeks to highlight the experiences of many young people across Britain today who suffer from homelessness. It is estimated that 1 in every 100 young people become homeless at some stage, representing over 75,000 people. Commonly they experience family breakdown and rejection. Adam Isaac, who recently released his first album Train Tracks , says that he first agreed to write this song in order to make the general public understand the individual stories behind each case of homelessness. “I want people...
