Problems remain with directors’ pay, says IoD South West

Commenting on today’s report from Incomes Data Services on directors’ pay, Gerry Jones, chairman of the Institute of Directors in the South West, said:

“Very high levels of pay at the top of the UK’s largest companies damage the legitimacy of business as a whole.

“Most directors in the private sector earn nothing like FTSE salaries, and yet are often damaged by association. It is therefore welcome that top directors’ basic pay is not rising as fast as in the past.

“However, the level of pay in some cases remains excessive, and incentives are often not properly...

Council welcomes a new batch of apprentices

Twenty five young people have joined the County Council at the start of their two year apprenticeships.

The successful apprenticeship programme has been running for many years across all areas of the Council’s work in business administration, customer service, ICT and civil engineering. For the first time this year ten young people have also been recruited to the social care apprenticeships within the council’s own residential homes. The apprentices work towards nationally recognised qualifications and gain excellent ‘on the job’ experience over the two years. They are often...

Topsham Museum Christmas Market

Event Date: 
14/11/2012 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
Matthews Hall, Topsham

Topsham Museum's popular annual Christmas Market will be held on Wednesday 14th November at 10 a.m. in Matthews Hall.

Do come with your friends and neighbours to do some early Christmas shopping and have a coffee and a chat. Stocking fillers, Christmas gifts, seasonal produce, jewellery, crafts, books and cakes.

Entry £2, which includes coffee and a mince pie!

Police Authority Chair reported over commissioner email

Devon and Cornwall Police Authority chairman, Mike Bull, has been accused of breaching data protection laws by emailing some staff about his preferred police commissioner candidate in the forthcoming elections.

Exeter's Labour MP, Ben Bradshaw, said he has reported Mr Bull to the Information Commissioner after a police officer from his constituency showed him one of two emails sent by Mr Bull.

The MP said: "Clearly the use of and access to the police database to electioneer is potentially a legal matter. That's why it's very important that the Information...

Sean Hughes to bring his unique comedy show to Exeter

Fresh from performing two critically acclaimed shows at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, Award-winning comedian, Sean Hughes, brings his hilarious comedy to Exeter's Corn Exchange as part of a 34-date national tour.

From the moment the lights come up on Life Becomes Noises , revealing a hospital bed and Sean dressed in a slightly inappropriate costume, it is apparent that this is going to be no ordinary comedy show.

It has been over a year since his father died, and Sean...

Exeter University researcher wins new Marie Curie Prize

A University of Exeter academic has been hailed as one of Europe’s best young researchers when she received an award in recognition of her work in making complex science easily accessible.

Dr Claire Belcher received the European Commission’s new Marie Curie Prize for outstanding achievement in research, for her work in science communication as a Marie Curie Research Fellow.

Dr Belcher studies the influence of forest fires in the Earth's geological past and their impact on plant and animal life. She has brought the subject to a wider audience through her...

Overnight closures on M5 J29 slip roads and eastbound A30

South West Highways will be closing the A30 eastbound from Moor Lane Roundabout to the intersection of the M5 south bound exit slip on the nights (8.00pm – 06.00am) of Wednesday 7, Thursday 8 and Friday 9 November.

The work requires the following road closures:

  • The A30 eastbound will be closed from Moor Lane Roundabout to the M5 southbound off slip intersection.
  • The M5 Junction 29 northbound on slip will be closed.
  • The J29 northbound off slip will be closed.

These closures will necessitate the following diversion...

Why Devon needs the Living Wage to boost local economy

118,000 people working in Devon would benefit from the introduction of a Living Wage. Research by the South West TUC released during Living Wage Week (4 - 10th November) shows 32% (15,558) of workers in Torbay, 28% (27,273) in Plymouth and 28% (75,239) in the rest of Devon earn less than £7.20 an hour – the lowest rate that campaigners believe supports a decent standard of living outside London.

Pay campaigner Kit Leary said: “Paying the living wage is good for business, good for the individual and good for society. It would close the gap between luxury pay at one...

Local band Rat Attack release debut single and Video

Rat Attack is very proud to announce the release of its newest single 'Bad Catholic' accompanied with music video. The music video was made by local TV/Production company Pangaea TV, and once it had reached 500 views the band released a free download of the single through their facebook page.

The band will also be releasing their Peter Miles-produced (Frank Turner, Tellison, We Are The Ocean) eponymous debut EP in February 2013 (date TBC), which will feature the second single ‘Heartbeat’, with guest vocals from Liam Cromby from We Are The Ocean. The whole EP, in fact, has...

Men encouraged to ask their local pharmacy for advice

Authored by Marc Astley
Posted: Sun, 11/04/2012 - 7:34pm

Ask Your Pharmacist Week starts today (5th November), where men will be encouraged to take a more active interest in their health.

A study by the the National Pharmacy Association has found that men are much less likely than women to take advantage of primary care services, including community pharmacies. They are also unwilling to consult a pharmacist face-to-face or seek treatment when sick.

Men visit their GP four times a year compared to six times for women, according to the NPA. On average they visit a pharmacy four times a year compared with 18 for women. More men...
